Accidentally the Sheikh's Wife

Accidentally the Sheikh's Wife by Barbara McMahon Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Accidentally the Sheikh's Wife by Barbara McMahon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara McMahon
south along the coast and had it approved by ground control. Flying for one of the top businessmen in the country gave her special privileges not normally afforded.
    Slowly Bethanne leveled out and then gradually climbed to their cruising altitude. She prided herself on her smooth flights. The smaller planes were more susceptible to variations in air currents. Today was all about showing off how smoothly the jet rode.
    Once they reached cruising level, Rashid nodded. “Good ride.”
    For a few moments, she’d forgotten he was there. Now, suddenly the space seemed to shrink. The scent of aftershave lotion the sheikh used tickled her nose and made her heart beat faster. She kept her eyes ahead, but could still envision every inch of his face as if he had put a photograph in front of her.
    “Do you fly?” she asked.
    “No. I leave that to the experts. But I sit up here with my pilot sometimes. I like the panoramic views which I don’t get from only one side of the airplane. And I like the feeling of freedom. Must be one reason you enjoy it.”
    “The primary reason, I guess. It’s fabulous.” She wished her pulse would slow.
    “Unusual profession for a woman, at least in Quishari.”
    “Not that many women pilots in the U.S., but we’re growing in numbers.”
    “Did you always want to fly?”
    She nodded. “From when I was a little girl. It was always magical to me. Soaring high above the earth. My dad—” She stopped abruptly. “Sorry, I’m rambling on.”
    “If I didn’t want to learn more, I wouldn’t have asked the question. Your father got you interested?”
    She nodded stiffly, still feeling raw with what she’d learned this morning. She wanted to defend him to the sheikh. But she had only a daughter’s loyalty to offer. She needed more facts.
    “I, too, am following in my father’s footsteps. He and my uncles built the oil company to the stature it is today before they died. The loss of them has been a tragedy for my family. My father built an empire through hard work and integrity. My brother and I and one remaining uncle are hoping to build it to even new levels.”
    “Lofty plans. From what I know, Bashiri Oil is already a leader.”
    “I hope to be remembered as my father is—someone with vision and the ability to achieve results.”
    Rashid was charming, Bethanne thought to herself. It was probably second nature to him, which would go a long way in achieving his ends.
    “So how is our charade going? No accusations of impossibility?” she asked.
    “No one would dare question my word,” he said.
    “My mother expects us for dinner tonight. I accepted on behalf of both of us.”
    “She’ll spot the incongruity.”
    “I fully expect her to question you about everything. It’s up to you to make sure you allay any suspicions. One thing to keep in mind, if she discovers who your father was, she will never believe the relationship.”
    She resented his suggesting she would be less than worthy of being considered as a wife for the sheikh because of her father.
    “I have done nothing wrong. And I don’t believe my father has, either.”
    “Nevertheless, don’t volunteer that information.”
    The sooner she found out the truth, the better, Bethanne fumed.
    “Down there, circle around,” he said.
    Spotting a chain of oil rigs off the shore, she angled down slightly. “Are those the rigs you wanted to see?” One in the distance seemed to shimmer in the heat, gold flames reaching high. “Is that one on fire?” she asked in disbelief as they flew closer.
    “Damn. I was hoping it wasn’t. If Khalid is in the midst of it, I’ll skin him alive.”
    She blinked at the vehemence of his tone. Who was Khalid? Did Rashid suspect the man had started the fire?
    She contacted air traffic control to alert them to her altered plan, then began a wide sweep to the right around the chain of derricks. The last one in the line billowed flames, easily seen from their height. How frightening

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