Across the Ocean

Across the Ocean by Heather Sosbee Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Across the Ocean by Heather Sosbee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Sosbee
void. I can hear the roaring of blood flowing in my ears, and I feel paralyzed in place. How is this guy doing this to me without even touching me? I’m flooded with so many mixed emotions that I have no chance of keeping up.
    Ari is suddenly right in front of me. He ’s so close that I can feel his breath on my left cheek. If I were to turn my head, we would probably kiss. I no longer want to move. I don’t want to do anything that will scare him, or stop him from continuing. He isn’t technically touching me at all, as he leans into me and his nose comes dangerously close to my left ear.
    He inhales deeply, as if he is savoring my scent. Goose bumps cover my skin as he exhales. Mine is trapped in my chest, and my head involuntarily tilts a little to the right, as he comes even closer. His nose is so close to my ear that I can’t really tell if he’s actually touching me or not.
    His left hand comes up, and I startle a little like a frightened deer. Very, very softly, he wraps his fingertips around the right side of my neck, placing his thumb under my jaw on the left side, under my chin. His thumb holds my head at the angle it ’s in and he takes another step closer, pressing into me.
    Heat sears me and it ’s almost unbearable how aware my body is of his. I take in another quick inhalation. He starts to walk forward, forcing me to take a few steps backward so I don’t fall over. My back suddenly comes in contact with the main statue in the garden and his left arm braces himself against it.
    Panting a little, I realize that I ’m ridiculously turned on. His touch on my skin feels so good and I don’t say a word to stop him. At this very moment, I have no guilt, no conscience. In fact, I think my brain and body are putty, and Ari is the artist who knows how to mold me. My skin is hot, even in this damp weather, and I can feel the sprinkles of the misty rain come down on my face, helping to cool my now flushed cheeks.
    His nose starts to travel from my ear down my neck. Its contradicting sensations with the heat of his skin and warm breath mixed with the cold water droplets clinging to my skin. Goose bumps break out on my body again and I feel a shiver traipse down my spine. A flood of emotions flow through my chest and leave me overwhelmed. I can feel my body trembling with anticipation and uncertainty.
    I ’ve only dreamt of sharing a moment like this with Ari, smelling his scent, feeling his desire for me. Any doubts I had before are gone, and I can understand that he is in a tricky situation here. He also wants what he can’t have, and I think this is terribly unfair for him.
    My presence here is torturing him. Guilt and shame are mixing with want and desire, warring with each other for control. His lips are hovering very close to the vein pulsing rapidly in my neck, causing anticipation to win out above everything else inside of me.
    Do it, do it, do it…. I’m chanting in my mind, encouraging him to continue by lifting my chest up to his in supplication. I’m yours. Just do it.
    “Please,” I stammer.
    “Brooke, I —” He begins in a husky voice, his breath washing over my neck, making me shiver. My hand reaches up to grip his shirt over his chest, pulling him closer to me. I can feel him pressing into me; I can tell he’s turned on. Holy hell is he turned on .
    A wave of dizziness washes over me with the realization that Ari has probably been waiting just as long as I have . He’s likely wanted me like I’ve wanted him. It’s a heady rush to know that I am causing such a huge reaction in him, and it only turns me on even more. I need more.
    To hell with the consequences .
    I cup and lift his head to meet my eyes, immediately getting lost in the beautiful blue. I lick my dry lips, an invitation if he would take it. His eyes drop to focus on my mouth. I think he ’s going to kiss me. In seemingly slow motion, he begins to lower his mouth to mine. My eyelashes sweep down and my eyes

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