It really doesn’t matter to me.”
Jerry edged forward; he wanted to see these men.
“I find your attitude offensive, Major Riordan.”
“I don’t mean to be personally offensive; tactically offensive, yes. I like to think I am a realist.”
Through the screening branches of three willows, Jerry saw them. The Russian’s field garb gave off small puffs of dust as he walked. Major Riordan wore mottled camouflage and an incongruous red beret.
“As you wish. If you don’t mind, I must return to my command. There is great battle raging near Chena and my armored scout company has been ordered to the front.”
“Very heroic, I’m sure you and your men will acquit yourselves honorably.” Riordan lagged behind the captain and put a whistle to his lips. Abruptly he pulled his pistol from its holster, and blew twice on the whistle before shooting the captain three times in the back of the head.
Jerry nearly cried out. He knew war was brutal, but this was—
A fusillade of weapons fire blazed from a near distance.
Riordan grinned down at the captain’s body. “Now it becomes clear, does it not? You either let me in the game or risk losing everything. Now I’ve got your money and your armour.” He marched off down the dry wash toward the sound of motors revving and men cheering.
Jerry could clearly see the dead captain’s ruined head. His stomach lurched and he lowered his head close to the moss and years’ worth of ancient leaves before he let himself vomit. Taking a pull from his canteen, he rinsed his mouth as best he could.
I’ve got to find Magda.
Acutely alert, he edged out onto the trail.
Dená Provisional Capitol, Tanana, Dená Republik
“We have a quorum,” President Nathan Roubitaux said with a firm gavel rap. “The War Council will now come to order.”
Representative Blue Bostonman quickly stood and stared at the president.
“Representative Bostonman, do you have something to say for the good of the order?”
“I move that the Dená people need to form a civilian government immediately. There are treaties and permissions being thrown around that will affect them for years.” She dropped back into her seat.
“Do we have a second for Representative Bostonman?” Nathan asked.
Every hand shot up. Nathan pursed his lips and stared around the room long enough to rein in his anger.
“Very well.” His voice rapidly chilled like a northern front. “The floor is open.”
Five of the seven delegates stood.
“We’ll do it in reverse alphabetical order,” Nathan said with a frosty smile. “Mr. Ustinov?”
“The people have fought a very costly war, still not finished from what I have heard. We claim to be the Dená Republik, but are not republik in fact, perhaps a military state?”
“Maybe a military dictatorship?” Eleanor Wright said with a growl.
Nathan rapped his gavel twice. “One at a time, please. Everyone will get his or her chance to speak. Did you have more to say, Representative Ustinov?”
“If we do not create a representative government, the people will turn on us. I will turn on us!”
“So noted, Mr. Ustinov.” Nathan pointed to another delegate. “Representative Wright?”
“You don’t know your alphabet, Nathan,” she said with a quick smile. “When we leave this meeting today, we have to tell our constituents when there will be a constitutional convention and how they will pick people to serve on it. Without a constitution we have nothing; we’ll be a big tribe, not a nation.”
Nathan held up his hand, “Eleanor, we’re still fighting a war. Every village has people in the field. How can we select delegates to a constitutional convention if everyone doesn’t have a chance to vote?”
“C’mon, Nathan, that’s the least of our problems.” Her dark eyes flashed in irritation. “We can distribute ballots to every man and woman in the Army and they can vote for the people they want. Everybody gets one vote and every district gets one