Alice: Bride of Rhode Island (American Mail-Order Bride 13)
    “But perhaps you should dress before you make your way back into the world,” she added. She’d never been this close to him before, and the contact brought a flush of heat to her face.
    “Do you need assistance?”
    “I’ve placed items in the dresser for you. If you can stand, I’ll leave you to it.”
    He nodded.
    Reluctantly she separated herself from him, continuing to grasp his arm until she was forced to release the contact.
    “I’ve decided that we’ll go to Newport for our honeymoon.”
    Alice’s gaze snapped to his, but his eyes were elsewhere as he braced a hand on the wall at the head of the bed. His lithe frame and muscled torso briefly distracted her.
    “Truly?” she asked.
    “Yes. In ten days’ time. My ankle should be better by then. You should acquire more gowns, at least two fancy ones. We may attend a Christmas party or two.”
    Elation and apprehension settled in her chest. Did a honeymoon mean that James sought to spend more time with her? In the same instance, she dreaded such a journey. She had grown up in Newport—it was her home—but when she’d fled her stepfather she’d accepted that she would never return.
    “That sounds delightful,” she murmured.
    His eyes came to hers, but they held no warmth or understanding.
    “I’ll meet you downstairs,” she said and left the room, deciding that he could fend for himself.
    Alice entered the parlor and sat down, seeking to calm her nerves. To distract herself, she pulled a letter that had arrived earlier from her apron pocket. It was from Judith.
    My Dearest Alice,
    I received your letter and am so happy to hear you are well.  I am writing you to let you know I arrived at my destination in Wyoming.  You can't imagine how things have gone for me.  Hopefully when I write you next, I can give you more news.
    For now I can only tell you that upon arriving, I found my intended had passed away.  Thankfully, I found a position as caregiver for a beautiful baby girl.
    It could be that I may have to marry the father, since I live at the house and he is single.
    Sean Montgomery is a good man. He is responsible and very respectful.  However, it is not right for me to continue to live in his house without being married.  His sister is pushing us to wed, and to be honest, I am not opposed, as I find him very handsome.
    Once I have more news, I will write you.  Know that you are always in my thoughts.
    With Love,
    Judith Murphy
    Alice thought of Judith’s predicament, not unlike her own. Alice hadn’t married her intended, and now neither would her friend. She said a silent prayer that Judith’s situation would prove far better than hers.
    * * * *
    James watched Alice leave, her lemon scent clinging to him. He’d never envisioned marriage was such a difficult endeavor. When she’d wrapped her arms around him, all he could think of was folding her against him with nothing between them. For a brief, insane moment he couldn’t remember why he was staying away from his bride.
    He hadn’t missed the anxiety that pinched her features at the mention of a trip to Newport. He hoped she would understand when he took her to Daniel Endicott’s house that he’d protect her.
    Daniel Endicott would never hurt a Martel again. And, at least for now, Alice was a Martel.

    Chapter Ten
    T he trip to Newport, while not far, still took the better part of the day. The train, along with carriage rides from the Martel home and to the hotel, left Alice weary by the time she and James arrived at the Ocean House on Touro Street in the early evening.
    Because her stepfather maintained a mansion in town, she’d never been to this establishment. Her eyes widened as the buggy stopped at the entrance and James escorted her to the sidewalk.
    “This is a lovely hotel, James. Gothic Revival, I believe.”
    “You’ve stayed here before?” He presented his arm, and she tucked her gloved hand into it.

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