Alien Romance: Interview with an Alien (Football Paranormal Invasion Abduction Alpha Sci-fi Romance) (Fantasy First New Adult Contact Science Fiction Mystery Sports Alien Short Stories)

Alien Romance: Interview with an Alien (Football Paranormal Invasion Abduction Alpha Sci-fi Romance) (Fantasy First New Adult Contact Science Fiction Mystery Sports Alien Short Stories) by Robin Cavanaugh Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Alien Romance: Interview with an Alien (Football Paranormal Invasion Abduction Alpha Sci-fi Romance) (Fantasy First New Adult Contact Science Fiction Mystery Sports Alien Short Stories) by Robin Cavanaugh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Cavanaugh
his way into his apartment. The past hours couldn’t have gone by slower, and it was irritating that despite doing actual, physical work time crawled at a snail’s pace. Throwing his keys into the small bowl by the door, he shut the barrier with his foot and glanced around. When Alex was out of town the place seemed bigger and emptier. They’d been housemates for a few years now and it was like a match made in Heaven. His friend was ridiculously rich, as oilers seemed to be, so he didn’t have to pay for anything. In return he would keep up the place and make sure nothing bad happened.
    “What’s got your panties in a twist, man?” Flopping onto the couch, Lukas glanced over at Alex for a moment just to take him in. The man was leaner than a bean pole but didn’t look unattractive because of it. Sandy blond hair framed his angular face and his blue eyes had the power to make humans wilt. Thankfully he wasn’t human, but even then Alex wasn’t a guy he wanted to cross.
    “Just a long day. When did you get back? I thought you were supposed to be in Japan until next Friday?”
    “The deal fell through, is all. No big deal since I wasn’t too invested in it anyway. Are you going out tonight?” Turning his attention to the ceiling, Lukas felt a smirk slide onto his face as he thought about Cassandra.
    “I got a date, actually. This girl named Cassandra. We hit it off at a bar on Wednesday and then I saw her at Home Depot the other day. She’s a weird one, but I think she might be it for me, man.” Of course, Alex knew that Lukas wasn’t human because he just couldn’t keep it a secret from someone he lived with. While the beanpole never actually saw his dragon form, he’d seen enough to get over his speculation. Hearing him let out a long whistle, Lukas scratched his chin as his inner beast emulated the sound. It wouldn’t mind spending the rest of its life with that girl and frankly he agreed. She was just a person no one could dislike.
    “Cassandra, eh? Sounds like a crazy name. Where are you takin’ her?”
    “I don’t know yet and I have to pick her up in 45 minutes. I was thinking of just taking her to Guiseppi’s. Anything more fancy would make her uncomfortable.” The Italian restaurant wasn’t considered high class, but it also wasn’t a complete dump. It also helped that they made some amazing classic food.
    “Well, good luck with that, brother. If she has a sister let me know because it might run in the family.” Pushing himself up to sit, Lukas flashed Alex a grin but didn’t offer a verbal reply as he left the living room. Instead he focused on his date on the way to the shower. Really it wasn’t often that he took a woman out on a date, but Cassandra was different. The very fact that his inner beast liked her was enough to tell him that. Most women made the animal roil in disgust and he couldn’t blame it. Knowing that, it was easy to believe that every time he saw her, when she came back to his bed, he was getting more attached.
    It brought up a concerning point, though. He’d have to explain that he wasn’t human and he had no idea how she’d take it.

    Jumping up from the couch at the sound of a knock on the door, Cassandra smoothed her summer dress absently as nerves shot through her veins. Lukas was five whole minutes early, and she needed that time to prepare. Checking herself in the mirror for the hundredth time, she made sure her now curly hair wasn’t frizzy before squaring her shoulders. Her light coat of eyeliner was decent, and she looked alright, so there wasn’t a reason not to answer the front door.
    “Hey Cassy.” Goosebumps ran across her chest and down her arms as Lukas smiled down at her, and Cassandra twiddled her fingers together. Her heels clicked on the hardwood beneath her when she shuffled, and she could feel her face turning pink as her eyes swept over his form. He wore a casual suit, nothing fancy, but it still made him look very

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