Alive at 5 (Entangled Ignite)
pool that struck her as too murky to dive in.
    She’d done her research last night while George drove. She knew what a sinkhole was. They opened up all the time in Florida. But Peacock Springs was different. Rainwater and the flow of groundwater had dissolved the limestone in the area over time to form the largest underwater cave system in Florida. Five-and-a-half miles of passages had been surveyed by cave divers. That meant plenty of places for lone divers to get lost and in trouble.
    The Orange Grove Sink was one doorway to that underground world of wonder. More like a deathtrap. Just the thought of diving in those passages made beads of anxiety bubble up on her forehead.
    Patting the sweat away with a tissue, she cut a glance at George, who stood behind his camera. “Are we ready?” Her fingertips were starting to prickle, another sign a full-fledged panic attack had started. She didn’t have to dive today, so what was her freakin’ problem?
    “Yep, ready.” The red light on George’s camera flickered on, indicating he was recording.
    Zack leaned back against the bench in a tight, Batman-looking scuba suit, one arm casually thrown over the benchtop, but his eyes remained alive and focused, alerting her to the fact he wasn’t as relaxed as he wanted her to think.
    “Cave diving is inherently risky. So, why take the chance?” she asked, playing her role as reporter for the crowd gathering around the sink.
    “Why not take the chance?” He rolled out the same charismatic smile she’d seen right before Maxwell’s landing, when he was flirting with her, before the closed off and difficult side of his personality had surfaced. Which Zack would she be dealing with today?
    “That’s not an answer.”
    “Don’t judge my answers, or I’ll stop listening to your questions.” His gaze challenged her.
    Ever since she and George had arrived, Zack had been playing this frustrating game with her. He’d been flirty, but uncooperative. If she talked to a group of people, he’d join them and listen. When she was alone, he’d avoid her. She still had no idea if Zack Hunter was an arrogant player or an accomplished investigator. Probably both.
    She bit the inside of her mouth. No use. It didn’t stop angry words from storming out. “You’re not cooperating.”
    “I’m sitting here, aren’t I?”
    “You’re not answering my questions.”
    “This isn’t a real interview.”
    “Sure it is. We may use some of the footage.” She wanted to stomp her foot or do something childish that would make her feel better, but the camera was rolling. “And even if we don’t, they don’t know it.” She gestured toward the other vacationers nearby, using her eyes to make sure he understood the importance of convincing the X-Force Adventure group they were for real. Some were shuffling around the Orange Grove Sink. Others were testing out their dive gear. A few were joking around near a food cart. A couple of the vacationers had stopped to watch the interview.
    Zack followed her gaze. “They aren’t close enough to hear what we’re saying.”
    “How would you know that?”
    He slid off his sunglasses. “Okay, boss.” His dark eyes danced with questionable intent. “Ask me again.”
    George interrupted, “Hold up.” Shaking his head, he fiddled with a button on the side of his camera. “Dead battery. I’ve gotta run to the truck for another one.” He unlatched the old camera battery. “We weren’t getting any good shit anyway.” He jerked the battery off the camera and stalked toward the parking lot, mumbling under his breath.
    As soon as she thought he was out of hearing range, Sam lit into her stubborn new partner. “You have no idea what I had to do to convince my boss to give me another chance and let me go on this investigation. I have to come back with a story. And you’re looking for answers too, right? So, what’s your problem?”
    Zack’s posture stiffened. “This isn’t a game. You shouldn’t be

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