you’ve been since you got here and she asked me to help.”
“I don’t need help.”
“Says you. Look man, I wasn’t gonna say shit because I know how you are, but you and Belle, what you’ve got; the distance or whatever, it’s messing with you and not in a good way.”
He has no idea what the hell he’s talking about. I’m absolutely fine. I get to go home every weekend and see my girl. It’s not the best situation but it’s better than being even further apart and never getting to see her at all. I’m doing exactly what I want to do.
“My relationship is none of your business.”
“Belle doesn’t feel the same way. She came to me and I know you hate it, but we’re friends now. I care about her. I get the feeling that worrying about you took her mind off her own shit. You know, the stuff you told me about. The stuff you say isn’t any of my business.”
He’s got me there. I brought him into this by mentioning how she was handling the transition of starting college. I might think it’s none of his business, but bringing him in, it makes it that way.
I’m a fucking idiot.
“Was that all of it?”
“Yeah, other than the message telling me things felt off with you.”
Last year, I wouldn’t have believed him. This guy, he was my best friend at one point but also one of the biggest snakes alive. He could lie straight to your face and you’d believe it was the truth because he’s smooth. If there was ever a competition for best liar, Dillon would have won by a landslide.
I do hate the fact that he’s friends with Belle now. Even though we’re all friends again, I’m still on shakier ground than everyone else. I think Eric might be the only other person that is still unsure about him. Belle though, she’s nowhere near the same even though history should make her worse than all of us.
She genuinely believes in him and likes him.
My girlfriend has the biggest heart in the world. Especially when it comes to assholes like me and Dillon. Another reason I love her so damn much.
“So, we cool or are you gonna rip my head off? If I’m goin’ back to Wexfield headless, I need to warn Caddy.”
Despite how serious things were a second ago, his obvious attempt at a joke weakens the stranglehold my anger has on me and I laugh. I’m losing my shit over nothing. Of course there’s nothing going on here. Belle doesn’t operate that way.
I’m being a complete jackass. Story of my life.
“Nah, we’re cool. Sorry. It’s just been a long night.”
“Yeah and missing your girl doesn’t help.” He answers automatically and I nod. “I get it, man. A year ago, this would have been hilarious. Material for me to use or whatever. But if this was me and Caddy, I’d be the same way.”
We don’t talk about our relationships much. We’re both head over heels in love with thes e amazing girls and not used to being allowed to have something that good happen to us, we’re quiet about it. It’s like keeping it to ourselves, we’re somehow keeping it safe.
Not to mention, we’re guys, even if we are wh ipped. The last thing we’re gonna do is sit down over tea and have a conversation about how in love we are.
We can be whipped. We don’t have to be pathetic too.
“You and Caddy, everything alright there?”
So much for not being pathetic.
“Yeah. I still don’t get what the hell she sees in me and most days I figure she’s gonna wake up and realize she made a mistake, but we’re good.”
“How’s she handling the mom drama?”
He rolls his eyes and I laugh. He doesn’t need to say any more. Dillon’s mom is a mess, probably even more than he was a year ago, so the shit she’s been starting up since the two of them got together, it’s not surprising that’s his response.
“Being here, I don’t gotta deal with it anymore. Rebecca can deal with her stupidity on her own. Keep her head in the sand about my dad the way she has been. I could care less. The only way it sucks
Gerry Davis, Alison Bingeman