want. Don't worry, though, it won't cause you any lasting or
permanent damage.”
    “ Usage of robot
nullifiers on J bot law officials was banned by the Law Enforcement
Aid Act of 3025,” I say. “By using that on me, you are adding
another twenty years to your ten year sentence for your crime of
operating on me without a certificate.”
    “ Sure,” says the man,
nodding. “But you know, the only reason I'm telling you this is
because I have great respect for you J bots and I think you deserve
to know what's going to happen to you before it
    “ If you had true respect
for us, you would not be doing this to me at all,” I say. “It is
illogical to claim to respect us while simultaneously breaking the
very law we are sworn to protect.”
    “ Let's agree to
disagree,” says the man. “Good night.”
    He presses a button on the nullifier
before I can do anything else. My message alert center immediately
shows me that all of my systems are shutting down fast, so fast
that I—

    The ceiling gradually comes into view as
my vision clears. While J bots have some of the most advanced
computer systems on Xeeo, it still takes a little time for us to
fully reboot if our systems are knocked offline. My scanners report
that my body is fine, however, which makes me glad, because
interior damage is difficult to fix without a certified technician
to help.
    My memory, however, takes slightly longer
to fully restore. Soon, however, I remember that it is that
mysterious man who had knocked me out—the untrained technician who
thinks he can repair me as easily as any other robot.
    But according to my scanners, my body is
in one piece. There are no problems anywhere. Everything is in
perfect condition. Even my power levels are high again, which tells
me that the Foundation members must have recharged my power
    As for my surroundings, I am still in that
same room that I was in before, the average, featureless room with
a single door. I am alone in this room, but that does not bother me
because sensors indicate that I can bend my left knee and move my
left leg again. Not only that, but sensors also indicate that my
left leg moves even better than it did before it broke.
    While what that man did before was clearly
illegal, I cannot deny that he does a good job, an even better job
than what many other certified technicians who have worked on me
have done. Maybe he really does have a certificate; at least he
knows what he is doing, anyway.
    Despite his good work, I will still have
to bring him in. Now that my power has returned, and my leg is
movable again, it will be much easier to catch and apprehend him,
although first I must find out where I am and what is going on.
Upholding the law is of utmost importance, but it is far more
urgent at the moment that I find out where I am and how I got
    I try to sit up, only to discover that my
movement is limited. I look down at my arms, legs, and chest and
see that they are strapped down by thick leather straps. Sensors
indicate that these straps are not normal straps, but are in fact
made of dwarfish leather, the strongest type of leather in both
Dela and Xeeo, and nearly impossible for most beings to break.
    I understand now. The Foundation must have
strapped me down to the floor when that mysterious man worked on me
earlier. Considering how Rozan distrust me, I am not surprised to
see that they went to great lengths to keep me down in one place.
They must not think I am too much of a threat, however, because I
am still functioning without any problems.
    I am barely disturbed by this development,
however. While dwarfish leather is a strong substance, we J bots
can lift up to 500 pounds of weight. Our strength is unparalleled
in many cases; therefore,

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