All's Fair in Love and Lion

All's Fair in Love and Lion by Bethany Averie Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: All's Fair in Love and Lion by Bethany Averie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bethany Averie
protective feelings course through me. I’ve lived thirty-five lonely years before I met Sasha. I can’t, won’t, let Lily near her.
    Creator in Heaven, keep her safe. Don’t let Lily get her hands on her, not after I’ve spent so much time battling envy of Bast and everyone else happily married.
    In my mind’s eye I picture Sasha, her sky-blue eyes focused on a student’s paper while her red pen flashes across the page. I concentrate on how much she loves teaching and in one swift movement I’m with her. For a minute I’m dizzy as I realized it actually worked. I force my own mind to relax.
    “You scared me,” she answers out loud.
    “I apologize.”
    “Where have you been today? It’s been quiet.”
    “You missed me.”
    She fights her grin. “Just an observation.”
    “I’m sorry. You see, I only woke recently, and my friend, Bast, insisted upon visiting me today.”
    “Does he come often?” She picks out another student’s paper.
    “Not really. Are you all right?”
    “I’m sorry I’m not the most fascinating company. I have these essays from the first act of The Tempest to grade.”
    “Your work demands your full attention, then?”
    “Mostly.” She leans back in her chair, rubbing her temples. “I did miss you.”
    “And I you.”
    “Does that mean I’ve lost my mind?”
    “No. You’re quite sane.”
    “Are you?”
    I laugh. “I presume I’m saner since I’ve met you.”
    “You’re welcome. How is the essay contest coming?”
    “Only ten entries out of over a hundred students. In previous years there has been more interest.” She sighs. “I wish more would sign up.”
    “Sounds like they don’t fully appreciate the opportunities you offer them.” Tension rises in her mind, but she battles it back.
    “Goes with the territory.”
    “You’re a brave woman. I would’ve skewered them all.”
    Laughing, she covers her mouth with a hand. “I wouldn’t recommend that.”
    Amusement rises in me. “Perhaps it isn’t a good idea.”
    “It’s illegal and amoral.”
    “I’ll keep that in mind. Are you finished or should I come back later?”
    She stretches her arms above her head. “I’m done. I’ll gather my things and drive home. You’ll appear again?”
    “If you wish.”
    “Thank you.”
    “My pleasure, sweetest.” I exit her mind and after a while, I’m standing in the middle of her kitchen. I put on a kettle of water as I await her arrival. My fingers clench into fists as I fight against the fear. Lily won’t get to Sasha. Relaxing my hands, I compose myself. Sasha mustn’t sense anything’s wrong.

Chapter 10: Sasha
    “Welcome home,” Monroe says when I enter my apartment.
    “Ahh, chamomile.” I breathe in the aroma. “How did you know?”
    “I thought you might want something soothing.”
    Setting my things down, I smile. “I could get used to this.”
    The corner of his mouth quirks upward. “Say the word and I’m yours.”
    I accept the cup from him. Uncomfortable, I say, “Oh?”
    “I’d be honored.”
    Unsure of what to do, I wander out of the kitchen and into the living room. “Thank you.” He follows me and we settle on my old suede couch. Setting my mug on the coffee table, I turn my attention on him. “What did you do while you waited for me?”
    “I made your tea.”
    “Did you have a nice visit with your friend?”
    He shrugs. “Bast is an idiot, but I tolerate him.”
    “You don’t mean that.”
    “I do.” He gives me a slight smile. “Although, he’s been loyal for years and one of the few, besides my manservant, who can put up with me.” He strokes my hand. “Aside from you.”
    Electricity shoots up my arm. “He sounds like a good friend.”
    “At times. What else has happened?”
    I try to ignore the sensations he causes. Too many racing thoughts. Did he tremble, or was that me? “We’re beginning Act Two of The Tempest . Most of the quizzes from act one weren’t as bad as I feared.

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