Alpha in a Fur Coat

Alpha in a Fur Coat by Sloane Meyers Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Alpha in a Fur Coat by Sloane Meyers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sloane Meyers
waved Storm away and turned his attention back to the computer screen on his desk. Storm took this as her cue to leave, and turned toward the door. But as she reached the threshold, she turned to look at the mayor one last time. She had come up here to find out information about the President’s visit, but all she’d managed to do was get a glimpse of how proud the mayor was of his new tablets. She had to at least try to get some information that would help her before heading back downstairs.
    “Uh, so, I heard we have a big, important visitor next week,” Storm said, trying to keep her voice casual. She plastered what she hoped was a teasing, flirtatious smile on her face.
    The mayor looked up at her, surprised, and then let out a long sigh before shaking his head in frustration again. “John must have told you, eh? I swear, that man cannot keep a secret. I don’t know how he ever managed to get any kind of security clearance. Yeah, the President’s coming. Keep quiet about it, though, okay? We don’t want too many people to find out and start trying to get an in to get a selfie with him or other nonsense like that.”
    “Right, of course. My lips are sealed,” Storm said. She made a zipping motion across her lips, and the mayor seemed pleased with her response.
    “Good girl,” he said. “I suppose John also told you why he’s coming, eh?”
    Storm shrugged. “You know John. He trusts me with everything. He did mention the eye scanners.”
    Storm held her breath, waiting to see how the mayor would respond. Storm hadn’t talked to John in weeks, but the mayor didn’t know that. Storm only hoped that she was right about the reason for the President’s visit.
    The mayor rolled his eyes. “I need to have a discussion with John about his blabbermouth. But, anyway, yeah, the eye scanners. We’re hoping they’ll be done before the President gets here so we can show them off. This is gonna be what history remembers me for, Storm. I’m saving humanity here!”
    The mayor pounded his desktop, and Storm jumped. She forced a smile on her face.
    “Very impressive, sir,” she said, swallowing back the taste of bile that was filling her mouth.
    The mayor nodded, then waved his hand again, dismissing her. “Thank you, Storm. Definitely don’t mention the scanners to anyone, either.”
    Storm nodded, and stepped out into the hallway, letting the door close behind her. She took a few deep breaths to steady her racing heart, then rushed back to the stairwell to head back to her cubicle. Now she had to figure out how to hand this tablet off to John without raising his suspicions about why she ended up with it. And she had to figure out how to actually concentrate on work for the rest of the day.
    As soon as the stairwell door closed behind her, Storm sat down on the first step and took several deep breaths. This was all really happening. The shifter-scanners were moving forward, and the President was apparently on board with this. Time was ticking down. It wouldn’t be long now until everyone at the office found out she was a shifter. It wouldn’t be long now until the whole nation got behind a movement to eliminate shifters. Storm wanted to be optimistic, but she knew how these things went. People feared what they didn’t understand. And the Mayor and President would make sure that shifters were misunderstood.
    Storm took in another deep breath and glanced down at the tablet, then widened her eyes. The screen was still unlocked! The mayor had never re-locked it, and apparently the automatic lock was either disabled or was set to only trigger after a significant amount of time. Right there on the screen in front of her was a document full of gibberish. Storm had no idea what it said, but she had no doubt that Grant could decode it.
    Her heart did a quick flip-flop when she thought of Grant, but she quickly pushed away her own feelings. This wasn’t the time to deal with her own emotions. She needed to find a way to

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