Always His Earl

Always His Earl by Cheryl Dragon Read Free Book Online

Book: Always His Earl by Cheryl Dragon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Dragon
more days at least. Stick with broth and water and plenty of it.” The doctor closed his bag. “I’m sorry there isn’t more
    I can do.”
    “What about the pain? Is she comfortable?” Basil asked.
    “I’ve left another bottle of laudanum. If she can rest quietly, she’s taken enough. If she’s too sleepy it’s hard to examine her properly. Have no fear gentlemen, Mrs. Blake and Minnie know what they’re doing. If you’ll excuse me, I have some other visits to make.” The doctor headed for the stairs.
    Basil and Mrs. Blake went right in while Minnie headed for the servants’ stairs.
    “Doctor, a word?” George said.
    “Of course, my lord.” The doctor stopped.
    “Any word on Lord Philips?” Myles asked.
    “No, he hasn’t made any inquiries of me. As I said last night, I’m here to look in on Mr. Hardwick. No matter what happens, I wouldn’t move her for another two days at least. She’s frail and needs to be still.”
    “Thank you, Doctor.” George gestured to Davis.
    Myles watched the doctor and butler descend the stairs. “No word. I should go and call on Philips.”
    “Let’s see Claire first. When you go to see Philips, you have to be calm and indifferent. You’re the injured party. He’s lost your sister,” George said.
    “I know, if only the law agreed. It seems that I should know my brother-in-law and not be calling on a stranger.” Myles tapped his foot.
    “You have to keep your temper. If you can’t, don’t go. You’re not a good liar.” George squeezed Myles’ shoulder.
    “I made it through the navy without anyone knowing the truth. They thought I was just another man who’d marry a nice woman when back on land. I can hide things if I must.” Myles frowned.
    “Then hide your shock and temper. Mentally prepare yourself. If I see Philips today, I might slit his throat and flee to America without a single regret.” George opened the door to Claire’s room and let Myles go in first.
    Myles focused on Claire and had to admit her color looked much better today, at least in her cheeks. Some of the bruising had begun to show on her arms and neck. There was no way to know how much abuse Philips had exposed Claire to. Was this an isolated incident because of Basil or a matter of routine because he was simply a cruel ass who needed to be whipped to death? Myles seethed, doubting it was a one-time occurrence.
    “Are you feeling all right yourself, Lieutenant Harris?” Mrs. Blake asked.
    He shook off the thoughts of revenge. “Yes, thank you. I didn’t expect the bruising so soon.”
    “It’ll be uglier before it improves. I do believe she’ll survive it.” Mrs. Blake nodded with a smile.
    “The doctor said nothing about Philips.” Myles informed his brother.
    Basil turned to Myles. “You’re going to see him?”
    “We must keep up the appearance for Claire’s sake. If I didn’t try to visit my sister, it’d look very suspicious. I went yesterday before I knew any of this, and no one was at home. We’ll see what I find this morning.” Myles kissed his sister’s forehead and left the room.
    A quarter of an hour later, Myles was shown into the study of Lord Philips’ London home. The short man sipped a glass of what smelled like whiskey at far too early an hour.
    “The famous Lieutenant Harris,” Philips said mockingly.
    “Mr. Harris really; I’m done with my naval career. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lord Philips. I am sorry I was unable to attend the wedding.” Myles did his best to sound sincere.
    “War waits for neither man nor wedding. I’m sure you enjoyed your time at sea. You’re a wealthy man of property out in the country. The dream of every second son.” Philips sat back.
    “I had hoped to see my sister. It’s only a social call. There’s really no business we need to discuss.” Myles looked carefully, and Philips appeared thoroughly uninjured, but his fists were meaty masses that could inflict pain.
    George would be relieved that Claire

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