Always His Earl

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Book: Always His Earl by Cheryl Dragon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Dragon
hadn’t murdered Philips. Myles’ fears shifted to Philips coming to claim her.
    “My wife is out,” Philips replied coolly.
    “Do you know where she is? I called last night, and I do really want to see her. It’s been years.” Myles couldn’t tell if Philips’ lack of concern was an act or if he truly didn’t care where his wife was. If he beat her, would he truly let her run away without ardent pursuit? He could’ve been so drunk he didn’t remember it today. Myles hated all of the options before him.
    “No, she said she’d be visiting friends. Might even stay there a day or so. I have some business to attend to, and ladies grow bored easily. All that mourning was dull and she’s enjoying London. I shouldn’t worry. The butler has your message, and he’ll deliver it as soon as my wife returns.” Philips stood as if indicating the meeting was over.
    “Surely she came home last night. My sister is not one for late night parties,” Myles said matter-of-factly.
    “Your sister is my wife, and it’s for me to say what is or isn’t right for her to do. We have the name of your club and, if she has time, I’m sure my wife will send a message to you. Invite you to tea or something. We do have many engagements planned already with our own set of friends.” Philips took a step and signaled to his butler.
    “Thank you. I’m glad my sister is in such good hands. I’ll be going.” Myles stood and bowed. The lies almost made him ill, but Myles maintained the act.
    Exiting the house was like an escape. Breathing deeply, he began the route his sister would’ve most likely taken toward George’s place. He walked briskly to burn off the frustration. Used to a more active physical regime onboard, he felt stiff and useless sitting around.
    However, given his sister’s condition, Myles began to seriously doubt she could have traversed the blocks and blocks of distance on foot. George’s home was in a much better part of London, just as an earl’s should be. Perhaps in a frenzied state, desperate to arrive at a safe place, Claire had managed it on pure nerves.
    He admired his sister so much more now. The woman had strength no one ever gave her credit for in younger years. There was always a chance that a servant had helped Claire and might fold under Phillips’ interrogation. Myles couldn’t do anything except protect his sister.
    As he approached George’s home, something made Myles stop. He’d intended to buy new clothing on his first full day back in London. Everything but the uniforms he owned was woefully out of fashion.
    That could certainly wait, however getting word at the club to forward his messages to Lord Thistledown’s townhome could not. It would be a day of errands, but if Philips tried to check up on Myles in any way, he would be helping his sister greatly by sorting out his cover story to avoid Philips suspicions.
    * * * * *
    G eorge paced in the library. He’d written letters and handled everything he could. Still, Myles hadn’t returned. Davis knew to send Myles in as soon as he arrived. If George went off to retrace Myles’ steps, it could reveal Claire’s location and bring more trouble to the tenuous situation. All George could do was wait.
    And worry.
    He’d done a ridiculous amount of worrying in the last day. Claire’s health, Basil’s self-control, what Philips knew, and now Myles’ safety. For years, George had worried Myles would be killed in battle. Even the betrayal didn’t stop those deep concerns. Could Myles be truly trusted? A man of action, George hated being limited. Until Philips made a move, this was safer. George had to let Myles handle this publically at present.
    Some things had to be concealed. George’s lack of interest in women made him good at misdirection, but for Claire’s sake, he had to trust Myles with some things. The two men had sworn to be honest with each other as teens, but it had fallen apart. Could they ever be friends again? George had

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