Amanda Scott

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Book: Amanda Scott by Ladys Choice Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ladys Choice
now, she can thank ye for it and no other.”
find her,” Sorcha said, stifling dismay. “If it is my fault, as you all say, then I’ll put it right. You’ll see, I will!”
    “Ye’ll do nae such daft thing,” he said, giving her a shake. “I forbid it. Nor will ye be making mischief at Lochbuie, for I’m sending ye home. I’d meant to send one boat in any event, because I’ve a duty to get word to Ardelve o’ what we learned today. I’ll send both wi’ ye, though, and go to Lochbuie wi’ Hector Reaganach. Since I promised two boats for his grace’s flotilla when he goes to swear fealty to the King, me lads can return to Lochbuie and collect me after they’ve seen ye home safe.”
    “You can’t! Oh, Father, you mustn’t. What will people think? Not just of me, for I don’t care about that, but about poor Adela! You cannot abandon her when she did nothing to deserve what happened except have a sister who is a fool.”
    “Ye’re a fool right enough, but how do I ken any such thing about Adela? If she encouraged one man, she mightwell ha’ encouraged a dozen. She just stood there, did she know? I didna hear a single cry for help from the wicked lass.”
    “Because doubtless she, too, thought it was Sir Hugo.”
    “Then ’twas wickedness, and she’s come by her just deserts. Ardelve went home a gey sorrowful man without her. Ye’ve yourself to thank for that, too.”
    “I doubt he was that sorrowful,” she said. “He showed little joy in his marriage. And without joy, how could there be sorrow?”
    “By heaven, almost d’ye persuade me to follow Robison’s advice at once,” Macleod snapped. “Get ye to yon boat, lass, afore I do take a strap to ye.”
    Sorcha knew she had pushed him as far as she dared. In general, his threats to his daughters were empty, but she had learned that if she pushed him too far, he would retaliate, and she had no wish to suffer what would amount to public punishment. Just the thought that Sir Hugo might make one of the audience was enough to make her beg her father’s pardon and offer no further argument.

Chapter 4

    M acleod walked away, and Sorcha made her way to the wharf. When she heard her name called again, she paused at the side of the path to wait for Sidony.
    “You had no chance to eat, so I brought you a manchet loaf and some sliced mutton,” her sister said, handing her a small linen-wrapped packet of food.
    “Thank you,” Sorcha said, realizing she was hungry.
    “What did Father say to you? He looked so angry, but he did not speak a word to me when he passed me.”
angry,” Sorcha said. “I heard two women talking about horsemen with a woman riding pillion near Kinlocheil. One was Lady Clendenen’s friend, Lady Gowrie. I’m sure they are the ones who took Adela, and Lady Gowrie said they were making for Edinburgh. Imagine what could happen to her in such a great town!”
    “Many things,” Sorcha said darkly. “None of them good.”
    “But I thought you wanted to attend the royal court there! When Father said he was going with his grace, did you not say you wished we could go, too?”
    “Aye, but those men are not taking Adela to court. They must want her for some viler purpose, or they would not have whisked her off as they did. Evil begets evil, you know. No good ever comes of it.”
    “But I don’t understand why Father is angry with you,” Sidony said.
    Sorcha just looked at her.
    Sidony shrugged. “I know he is angry that you slapped Sir Hugo, because you were wrong to do that, and you know it. But he did provoke you, so if that is all it was, why did Father still look so black just now? Once he vents his anger, he usually becomes docile again. And if you told him that you discovered where they are taking Adela, he should be grateful to you.”
    “Aye, well, he’s not,” Sorcha said. “He said that whatever part of it is not my fault, Adela brought on herself. Ardelve is sorrowful, he

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