Amazon Moon

Amazon Moon by James A. Haught Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Amazon Moon by James A. Haught Read Free Book Online
Authors: James A. Haught
Tags: Historical, Fiction / Historical / General
other apprentices.
    Once in a Kavopolis square, I heard a bard reciting Homer to a circle of boys and middle-aged men. He told of the Trojan War. For ten long years, Greeks lay siege to the walled city, fighting clashes that left multitudes dead, all because of a love affair. A decade of war ravaged the land because Prince Paris stole beautiful Helen, wife of a Spartan king. Thousands were killed for one ruler's sexual jealousy. As they slew each other, the Greeks felt noble patriotism and the Trojans felt noble patriotism. The bard recited the gore in rhapsodic tones, full of admiration.
    I felt out of step with everyone around me. Just as I couldn't understand sacrificing goats to Zeus or flogging slave girls, I couldn't understand glorifying war. But I kept my thoughts to myself, even as I was transferred to military duty.
    When I was sixteen, I was assigned to be both scribe and courier in the combat unit of fearless Commander Malgon. I wrote his reports and messages, carrying them to appropriate officials. In the second month of my new work, our squad was ordered on a search-and-destroy mission, to find and eliminate Amazons making brazen raids near the Black Sea. We set off with full armor and a wagon bearing food for two months.
    Thus began the violent drama that forever changed my life.

    Commander Malgon's squad contained five horseback lancers, ten archers and fifteen foot-soldiers, plus the cook and supply wagon. And Malgon's young lieutenant. And me, the scribe. It was a small unit, but more than enough to defeat a band of soft women, Malgon told the troops with a laugh.
    After five days’ march, we reached the shore of the wine-dark Black Sea, which spread like a leaden plain to the vanishing horizon. I had never seen an ocean and was thrilled. We circled our tents and campfires near the beach. Archers killed a deer in the scrubby woodland and we enjoyed venison.
    Four days later, we reached the Thermodon River and turned up its green valley. The summer grew hotter and we dripped with sweat. In the evening, we camped on the riverbank and cooled ourselves in the water. When warriors draw near to combat, they bathe as often as possible to prevent festering of any cuts suffered in the clash of arms.
    The soldiers, large men muscled from constant training, treated me as the group's mascot. The chief lancer said loudly by the fire:
    "Melos, when we attack the Amazons, you can stab them with your reed pen."
    The others laughed, but not cruelly.
    That night, sentries were posted at two points. Because of the heat, most of the men spread their bedrolls in the open air, leaving their tents in the wagon. As usual, I slept in a corner of the great command tent along with Malgon and his lieutenant. The silence of the warm night seemed comforting. The campfires cast a flickering glow. All was serene.
    After midnight, terrible shrieks and crashes startled me awake. Thuds and shouts echoed through the camp. As I sat upright, two women warriors burst into the tent, swinging small two-bladed battleaxes. Commander Malgon was beheaded as he reached for his sword. The lieutenant tried to run but died of a savage chop in the back. The women turned toward me. I pulled up a shield and felt severe pain in my legs. They jerked away the shield and one raised her axe for a death blow. Then they saw that I was a youth, not a soldier.
    "Save him among the slaves," one said in perfect Greek, and they rushed back outside to join the fighting.
    The battle noises ended quickly. I could hear the women calling to each other, asking if any had been injured. They all spoke Greek. I heard final blows and groans as they finished off wounded soldiers.
    I tried to rise but couldn't. I had been slashed across my knees. Blood flowed down my legs. The pain was intense. Three women entered the tent and pulled me out by a campfire. They tied leather thongs around my thighs to stop the bleeding. They tied my hands behind me and left me by the

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