American Exit Strategy: Book 1
hysterical behavior across our nation. There is absolutely no need for it and no truth to the statements made by Senator Paul Randall. No one is going to die. We will get through this just as we have always gotten through trying times. I thank the members of the press for coming out and we will let you know what time tonight we will hold the conference for questions and answers." Sanchez quickly turned his back to the reporters and walked inside as they demanded "Where is the President?"
    "Did he just blame this on me?" Paul Randall said with his mouth wide open and his brow furrowed. "They have blamed every problem for the past eight years on the previous administration and now they are trying to pin this one on me! They can't admit responsibility to anything. They never know what is going on and it’s never their fault. And what happened to Al Mohammad? I thought he was supposed to be making the statement. He just drove this country over the cliff and then sends his henchman Sanchez out to blame it on me? Are you serious?"
    Sonny knew when not to engage. This was one of those times. He kept silent, poured himself a glass of water and walked over to look out the window. It was best to let the Senator digest this allegation for a while.

    “Be courteous to all but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence; true friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to appellation.”
    - George Washington
    Karen sat on the couch in the living room with Miss Mae, while Matt paced back and forth from watching the television in the living room where they were, to the office computer checking his list of alternative news sites. "Come sit down by us." Karen said firmly. "You are making me dizzy. Watch the news with us for a while, and then go check your computer for a while. You’re just walking back and forth right now. You’re not going to stop whatever is going to happen, so just relax. Sanchez is claiming that the balance of the SNAP benefits will be reimbursed on the 15th. I don't think it’s going to be that bad."
    "I hope you're right." Matt said doubtfully. He walked over to his easy chair and sat down next to Karen and Miss Mae.
    Ed Nolan was on earlier than normal to head up the special coverage CNC was dedicating to today's events. "We will be bringing you a live feed from KWXT in Detroit, Michigan. Detroit Mayor Melvin Jones is giving a press conference in just a few minutes. Detroit Police have just calmed a riotous situation at a Detroit Walmart. The discount chain store is located in a predominately urban area where 80% of the population relies on SNAP benefits to make ends meet. Police had to use tear gas and rubber bullets to subdue the crowd. Those arrested were loaded into buses. A source working inside the Detroit correctional facility told CNC that the jails were filled beyond capacity prior to the outbreaks of civil unrest today. The source said he expects the perpetrators of today's violent reaction to the benefit reduction, to be processed and released by tomorrow morning. Patrick James will be broadcasting live from downtown Detroit to get the reaction of residents to the cuts tonight at 8:00.
    We will direct you back to the live feed from the Detroit Court House. Mayor Jones is stepping to the podium now.
    "Detroit will be imposing a dusk ‘til dawn curfew effective immediately. We are asking all Detroit businesses to cooperate with city officials and to close their doors until tomorrow morning. Beginning tomorrow, we will have officers staffed at the entrances and inside all grocery stores and large retailers to help maintain an environment of peace and safety. We thank you for your cooperation and will open the floor for a very few questions." Jones Said.
    "Mr. Mayor" a local reporter called out "What about the Walmart on Eight Mile

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