American Lease (A Dylan Cold Novel Book 1)

American Lease (A Dylan Cold Novel Book 1) by K. D. McAdams Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: American Lease (A Dylan Cold Novel Book 1) by K. D. McAdams Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. D. McAdams
against the FBI?” Dylan’s mind was jumping from the exhaustion and the euphoria of his pending freedom.
    “Did he find it?” she asked.
    “I don’t think so, but the FBI guy seemed to think it was possible he had it,” Dylan answered.
    “I wouldn’t do anything vigilante, but keep your eye out for the guy who kidnapped you. If you can give the cops the real killer, they won’t like you for it anymore,” Elaine said, as if the idea were obvious.
    “And pressing charges against the FBI?”
    “That sounds like the opposite of laying low. I’m sure your nose hurts, but you look pretty tough. I’d let it go and be happy about your freedom.” She turned the doorknob and pulled it open.
    “Do I have to stay local or anything?” Dylan called after her.
    “You’re free, but boy, running away would sure make me think you’re guilty,” Elaine answered. “My advice is to sit tight and keep your eyes open.” She left and never looked back.

Chapter 11
    There had been no rush to process Dylan out of lock up. Paperwork was missing or incomplete, and they struggled to find his belongings, finally giving him a hodgepodge of things, some of which weren’t even his. Once they had their papers together, the officer in charge had been called away and was unavailable to sign off on his release.
    Through it all, Dylan maintained a stoic demeanor. Pissing and moaning made pain last longer. He had learned that running sprints in hundred-degree heat.
    When they finally ran out of ideas for delaying his release, they simply walked him out the front door. They offered no ride and no phone call. Dylan was miles from home with no phone and no car. Knowing that the county court would offer no sympathy, he simply put one foot in front of the other and started walking.
    When he got to Main Street he thought about his options. The only phone number he knew from memory was that of his landlord, Eliza. He doubted that she would be willing to come pick him up after what she had learned about him. He could hitchhike, but even that would have to wait until he got further out from the center of the small city. A cab slowed and turned up a side street. Huh, a taxi service in Nashua? Dylan had never seen that before. Hopefully they would take him home. He went up the side street and was pleasantly surprised that the taxi stand was easy to identify and not far up the street.
    A cab was available and the ride home wasn’t outrageously expensive. Dylan hoped this would be the start of better luck, but the driver spent most of the ride texting and Dylan again questioned his luck. If he had more energy, he would have said something to the man, but exhaustion allowed him to close his eyes and just breathe.
    Once they got home, he had to run inside to get his wallet. The driver didn’t mind waiting; it wasn’t like there were fares standing at the next corner. After he paid the driver, relief washed over Dylan. He’d find Montana, give him a treat, and then sleep for a day.
    A survey of the yard did not reveal the sleeping golden retriever he expected. For an instant Dylan feared that the animal control officer had taken him and there would be more police process to deal with before he could come home.
    “Montana,” Dylan called optimistically.
    It only took seconds for the dog to recognize the voice of his owner. A blond hulk appeared from behind the house and quickly triangulated where the call had come from. As soon as he locked in on Dylan, Montana ran toward him at full speed.
    Montana slammed into Dylan’s body and licked his face. He fell backwards onto his butt and embraced the hundred-pound golden retriever.
    He spoke quietly in to the dog’s fur. “Hey buddy, I missed you.”
    After worrying about his own life and liberty, the only thing Dylan cared about was Montana. Now that Elaine had done her job and gotten him released from custody, he was free to worry about other things. Like where he was going to live, for

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