An Angel's Ascent

An Angel's Ascent by Christina Worrell Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: An Angel's Ascent by Christina Worrell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Worrell
they’re perfect. I’m going clubbing this weekend and want to go Goth with a little professional taste, but nothing too loud. This was just way, way too perfect. A deal I simply could not resist.” I smiled back at him, happy the man was talented.
    “ I took one look and knew exactly what would enhance your sexy and bring out your sense of style as well. You’re not our typical Goth teens, so I assumed something a little more would be just right. Don't take this the wrong way, but girl you could be walking the catwalk in New York with a perfect figure such as yours. Have you considered modeling or acting by chance?” he asked casually, fiddling with the counter.
    “ Thank you, but no, I run a business too. Faellin Angels Realm, old downtown. It’s a very unique store that supplies new and used books, Wicca supplies, and medieval weapons and armor.” I told him, wondering why I didn’t feel freaked out by his insistent ogling. Sure I could sense his emotions but in this type of situation the feelings he was experiencing could be taken different ways. Well, maybe it was his obvious preference to the male species.
    “ I’ll spread the word girlfriend, if you will in return. We have to stick together in this cruel world right, right?”
    “ Absolutely, I make a very good income, so I don’t overprice.”
    I paid him and then I went to get dinner. Chinese was my favorite and the one here was to die for. I always tipped a little extra for them to cook it my way. I ate quickly, enjoying my small break.
    I took my bags and went to my car, thinking about the upcoming weekend and finally having some fun. I really did deserve this, I told myself. I wasn’t going to feel guilty, even if I had spent more than I’d wanted.
    It was past midnight when I got home. I’d taken my time at the mall and on the drive back. I had to stop to fill up on gas and grab another energy drink or three. I was addicted; they were my coffee. So sue me. Needless calories but I ran them off within two hours.
    I slept pretty well that night and actually missed the alarm. I’d decided to cut back jogging to three times a week, so I’d have more time for things like checking out my new toys.
    Wednesday kept me busy enough I couldn’t focus on anything but the store. I made a good bit that day and was aware that a bank drop was in order. I use to go once a week, but I’d never been robbed so I stopped being paranoid and started only going when I had to go out for something anyway.
    I rearranged my store a bit and restocked as much as I could between customers so Raven would have less to do.
    Afternoon finally arrived and I decided to call my best friend and see if she wanted to stay the night with me. When she did she was always gone before I woke in the morning. I think she was just as busy as me.
    Raven said she would be there about seven and would bring dinner and a movie.
    That night I took the time to do my nails and condition my hair, actually glad for her company. Raven was a little better at painting nails, hence she was my beautician. She had my favorite color and refused to cough up where she got it. One less thing to do before Saturday, I thought to myself.
    We chit chatted as most girls did, not about sex really, since I was lacking in that department.
    We talked about Friday and how things were in the shop. She was excited for me, and I could feel she was slightly jealous I was going with Michael.
    It wasn’t long though before I went to bed, because once again, I had to be up really early. This week was so far better than usual, at least money wise.
    A nightmare woke me around five, and I got up, groaning. I did my routine with a passion, trying to forget the awful dream. It started out great. A guy rescued me from boredom and when the bad guy came in my new boyfriend roasted him. Then the bad guy’s boss made an appearance and killed my lover. I was devastated to the point I stomped the guy's ass every which way I could,

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