An Unexpected Husband

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Book: An Unexpected Husband by Constance Masters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Constance Masters
Tags: Romance
the last week eating together, watching TV together, shopping together and making love every night. Pretty much the stuff couples do. Add into the equation that we are having a BABY, who might like to have, I don’t know. TWO parents. I think we’re doing a pretty good impression of a couple, even if one of us is a little immature brat that needs to have her bottom warmed regularly.
    “Like I said before,” she said, barely concealing her smile. She couldn’t help it really, although she kept arguing that they weren’t, she kind of liked the idea of them being a couple. “You should be worshipping me, I’m a protected species.”
    “Hmmm. I do, that’s why I spank you. I even checked online and apparently, so long as I don’t use anything heavy it’s perfectly safe.”
    Skye stopped with her hand and sandwich in mid-air. “You didn’t.”
    He gave her an evil smile. “Keep on ignoring everything I suggest and being a smart ass and I might just practice out there in the parking lot.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
    “You wouldn’t dare.”
    “Wanna try me?”
    “Not so much,” she giggled. She really didn’t think he would but she wasn’t going to press her luck.
    *              *              *
    It took a good half an hour for Skye to eat her sandwich, she must have chewed every bite twenty or thirty times. Finally she put the last piece in her mouth.
    “How about dessert?”
    “No,” Shaun said signalling for the bill. “You told your Mom we would be there at three o’clock. It’s two thirty now and we still have an hour to drive.
    “Ok then…let’s go,” Skye said grumpily, recognising she wasn’t going to win.
    Shaun rolled his eyes. He really hoped the entire week wasn’t going to be like this.
    Shaun watched the road but also couldn’t help getting distracted by Skye’s antics from next to him. She was breathing in and then puffing her breath out and then turning a little to the side and then bending over.
    “You ok?” he asked finally.
    She sighed. “Yeah. I’m just seeing which position hides my bump the most.”
    “Just trying to hide it a little, so I have a chance to tell them before they notice.”
    “I don’t think there’s any position that’s going to hide it honey.”
    “So you’re saying I’m fat?”
    Shaun could have banged his head on the steering wheel. He’d walked right into that one. “No. I’m saying you look pregnant.”
    “Look, just stop. It was your decision to not say anything until now. You must have known that it would come to this eventually. Now relax. It’ll be ok.”
    “How do you know that?”
    “Do you love the baby already even though you haven’t seen or held it?”
    “Can you imagine anything the baby would do that would make you NOT love it?”
    “Then imagine your parents after loving you your entire life. Would they just stop because you made the mistake of not telling them something?”
    “I guess not.”
    “No. I doubt it too. They’ll probably scold you and then hug you. I’m sure they’ll be over the moon about the baby.”
    “I hope so.”
    “So do I,” he said. Thank goodness they were nearly there. She really needed to get all this off her chest so she could stop worrying.
    *              *              *
    The car stopped outside Skye’s parents’ house and he looked over. She was feigning sleep. Shaun took a minute to really look at the house before coaxing her into facing this.
    It was a regular house in a regular street. Two story cream coloured house with white trim. Flowers decorated a long path to the front door and there was a big elm out the front with a love seat underneath it. It was welcoming. The kind of house where there was always fresh cookies and hot coffee and woman at the door that wore a smile, and a man that took care of the garden. It was cared for lovingly by the owners. Similar

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