And Then There Were Three

And Then There Were Three by Renee Lindemann Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: And Then There Were Three by Renee Lindemann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Lindemann
Tags: Romance, Sex, love, Marriage, menage, Multiple Partners, Comedy
woman but this particular woman
dashed all that resistance. I wanted to know everything there was
to know about her in the hopes of understanding how she came to be.
I knew the questions would have to take a more serious tone at some
point. I had no qualms asking the tough questions.
    “So I have to ask Nicole. Are you seeing
anyone else?” My question was intended to bring the laughing to a
halt and get to the information we would need to proceed.
    “I am not seeing anyone right now. My last
relationship ended in disaster so I have just been on the mend this
last year,” she answered. I could hear the pain in her tone as she
spoke. Probing her further was going to be painful for her but we
needed to know. If she was in the habit of dating couples or
engaging in threesomes then we would need to know if any of those
ended badly. I suddenly felt embolden and the lovesick puppy I was
before was now a Doberman protecting her brood.
    “Can I ask what happened there?” I said
casually sipping from my wine glass. Nicole looked momentarily
flustered as she formulated her words. At first I was under the
impression she was going to spin a neat little web of half-truths
but then a look of honesty registered across her delicate
    “My fiancé, Jason, decided two weeks before
our wedding that he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life with
a woman who could not bear him children. Rather than tell me
face-to-face he left me a Dear John letter or I guess Jane in this
case. It included an address where I could forward my engagement
ring. I was devastated to say the least and swore off both men and
women.” Nicole looked only slightly relieved to get out the truth.
“I am not looking for pity if that’s what you’re both
    Mark said knowingly, “I think what happened
to you was terrible but as for pity we wouldn’t do that. You’re a
very beautiful woman who could have her pick of the litter. So I’m
going to assume that this Jason person fooled you into thinking
that he was the pick of the litter. However he turned out to be a
total ass clown. For now I just pity him.”
    I shook my head in agreement with my husband.
Nicole smiled shaking her head probably more to the ass clown
reference than anything else.
    “I have never been with a couple before if
you think this is how I spend my time you are both wrong. I have
always been attracted to both men and women but never a couple so
this is new to me too.” Nicole dropped her head in a gesture that
indicated she had no idea what she was getting into.
    “I can assure you this is not something we
have ever done before. We have a very healthy sex life that has
never lacked for excitement. So please do not get the idea that we
are trying to repair our marriage somehow,” I said a tad bit too
defensively. Mark immediately tensed hoping this would not lead to
a confrontation. Nicole shook her head, the long strands of brown
hair framing her face. “This is unusual even for me. What are you
two looking for?”
    “I do not think we are looking for anything.
We just found ourselves in a situation where my wife has developed
this fondness for you. We have tried to deal with it but it seems
that her feelings persist. I thought meeting with you today would
force her to confront her feelings so that we can move on. I am not
losing my wife and family to this,” Mark explained. “Now it seems
that we have a bigger problem because I find myself in my wife’s
shoes. So what now?”
    I looked at my husband unsure of what I was
feeling, again it wasn’t jealousy, but it was wrought with
confusion. Nicole mulled the question over in her head before
    “I think we should just spend some more time
together and see where this goes. I mean you two are the first
individuals that made me want to date again. Eva, you are so
beautiful with this surprising innocence that I find absolutely
refreshing. Mark, you are so strong and capable but with a
sensitive side

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