Angel in the Shadows

Angel in the Shadows by Amy Deason Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Angel in the Shadows by Amy Deason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Deason
her personality, watching her, peering into the very depths of her soul.
    “Indeed,” he murmured, at last returning his attention to the road.
    By the time they reached the terminal, Madison’s nerves were stretched so tight she felt they might snap at any second. All she wanted to do was get away from Seth and lock her apartment door and never come out again. Just what the hell had Robert gotten her into? Fun my ass, this was a total nightmare!
    Climbing out of the car on shaky legs, she tried to steady herself. It didn’t escape her that Seth unfolded himself from the driver’s seat with a sinuous grace that absolutely disgusted her.
    “Thank you for the ride, Mr. Reynolds,” she lied.
    Seth’s eyes bored into her, through her. “It was no problem, Ms. Sinclair. Would you like me to see you to the ferry?”
    “No,” she replied a little too quickly. “No, thank you. I can make it from here.” The quicker she could escape him, the sooner she would be able to relax, forgetting this whole evening.
    A slow nod was his only response.
    Clenching her coat tighter around her, she turned her back to him and walked to the ticket booth, leaving him standing alone in the whirling snow.
    Seth watched her disappear into the terminal. His instincts told him that she was nothing to worry about. He should just return to the mansion where the real threat lived and breathed. Trouble was, he was only human regardless of the intense training that was supposed to drive that imperfection from him. Mistakes could be made. There was always a chance his normally infallible senses may have temporarily went AWOL. Hadn’t he been doubting himself lately? He should just climb back in the car and drive away, effectively erasing her from his mind. Something he should have no trouble doing.
    Still, he stared after her, reluctant to admit that Madison intrigued him. She was a conflicting mixture of emotions. Both defiant and submissive, forthright and secretive. She stared at him intently when she thought he wasn’t watching her but when he faced her, she seemed almost frozen. He found her interesting. Extremely interesting. It didn’t mean he had to let his thoughts linger on her. There were much more important things to focus on rather than some insignificant blond photographer that happened to peak his curiosity. But oddly, he couldn’t help it. This compulsion to investigate her further was so strong, so demanding, that it overshadowed anything else. That was a severe problem.
    Slightly alarmed by this unexpected rash of emotion, he decided to follow her. Maybe if he got this bizarre impulse out of his system, he could go back to what he was supposed to be doing without further interruption. He loathed to admit this weakness so rather than attribute this decision to his personal curiosity, he instead blamed it on his need to know every detail of Ms. Sinclair’s possible involvement in this little game. A lie that he was happy to contend with. Better to know and be done with it than to let it go and pay for it later . With a deep sigh that was less of an annoyance than he cared to admit, he slammed the car door and started into the terminal after her.

Chapter 5
    The heavy curtain of snow lightened, then stopped, leaving a pale shroud that overlaid everything in this path. Darkness and fog were nearly complete, broken only by the bright lights of distant buildings making up the Manhattan skyline that beckoned her silently far across the black water. Thankful that there weren’t many people aboard the ferry at this hour, Madison made her way to the bottom level so she could look out over the water. She was cold but the lure of watching the shore approach was something she was never able to resist, no matter the weather. Hands clamped loosely on the icy, steel railing, she looked out over the inky stretch of water, knowing that soon she would be home. She would change her clothes, crawl into bed with her cat beside her, and forget

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