Angela's Hope (Wildflowers)

Angela's Hope (Wildflowers) by Leah Banicki Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Angela's Hope (Wildflowers) by Leah Banicki Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leah Banicki
all going to have to learn to trust God and His timing on this.”
    “There is lots of wisdom in those pretty green eyes of yours.” Edith said then took a checker and moved closer to a piece of Angela’s. Angela was no longer distracted and jumped over two of Edith’s pieces and laughed victoriously.
    * * * * *
    It was two weeks of wagon trains pulling in and out before they found the right family to escort Angela. A family named the Brannigans, a nice Christian family. The husband and wife had heard through the grapevine, mostly spread from the general store about a young woman that was looking for safe passage. The Brannigans were expecting another child and the mother could really use an extra set of hands to keep her three children safe on the rigorous trail.
    The wagon train was stopping a few days at the fort to make a few repairs on several wagons and to wait out some wet weather. The mud was hard on the wagons.
    They ended up staying near the fort for a week for the mud to dry up. It gave the Sparks and Brannigans plenty of time to get to know each other. The husband was of strong stock but treated his wife kindly.  Henry even took some time to talk to people with the wagon train to see how they treated others. There were only good reports from everyone. The Brannigans were respected and everyone seemed to be on board with accepting Angela as a new wagon train member.
    Edith and Henry supplied the Brannigans extra food from their own cellar and they fed the whole lot of them several nights that week while they stayed nearby. Edith kept declaring how much she loved having so many children running through the cabin and in the back yard. All the children loved Edith’s extra sweets and treats and gave her hugs around her waist. 
    The day finally came when it was time to leave. Angela had sturdy clothes and her own tent packed away in the wagon. She would pull it out every night and sleep next to the family. They had a large wagon and several pack mules and a cow for fresh milk.
    Edith had baked for days to load the Brannigans food stores with biscuits and bread, enough for a week of meals. Angela had worked hard with her, soaking up all the last minute words of wisdom and love from Edith. She would miss her dearly. Angela wanted to talk about them coming to Oregon again but somehow she didn’t want to pressure them. They had mentioned before that they were praying about it. She would learn to trust God and put it in His hands. Edith and Henry Sparks had their own life and journey. She had to allow them to be on it and not force her will on the situation. It was hard to let the thought go but she was able to in the end.
    As she was grabbing her last satchel to leave she gave both Edith and Henry each a warm hug and wiped away a few tears that bid their way down her pale cheeks.
    “Thank you for all the love. When I write, and I will often, I was wondering if I might have your permission to call you Mama and Papa Sparks?” Angela said through a lump in her throat.
    This question brought out about a few more tears and hugs all around again. They all agreed that her request was a good one. Mama and Papa Sparks walked Angela to the waiting wagon train.
    They held hands and prayed with the Brannigan family to have a safe and blessed trip. That everyone would draw close to the Lord as they all crossed this blessed country.
    Angela began her long walk with a good family’s protection and she kept her eyes forward. The Oregon Trail was her road again.

    Part 2
    Chapter 6 – Willamette Valley
    September 22, 1849
    She wanted to kiss the ground. Instead her eyes scanned the horizon along with everyone around her. The family she traveled with was nearby but the wagon was not moving anymore. Angie Fahey pushed her bonnet off her head and tried to scan through the crowd to the front for one friendly face. It was several minutes of searching but she surprised herself with the yell that came out

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