Angels Blood

Angels Blood by Gerard Bond Read Free Book Online

Book: Angels Blood by Gerard Bond Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gerard Bond
Tags: Fantasy, Science Fiction & Fantasy
    “ Nothing we will just say there was only one.  Why should we get into trouble for something we can’t fix?”
    He was the smart one. They walked over to where the woman was lying on the ground.  She was in a bad way, covered in blood, she wouldn’t last long.  They stood there a moment watching her bleed to death slowly. It was a pity really she was a looker too and young.  
    “ We should cut her vest open and see what her tits look like.”
    He lifted his knife out of its scabbard and grinned at his friend.  Just before he could move, a crossbow bolt struck him from the side, went through his neck and hit his partner.  They both went down simultaneously, a look of incredulity on the face of the knife-wielding soldier as he held his neck and blood continuing to pump out the other side.  He lasted all of seven seconds.
    Kane came riding out quickly, crossbow in hand.  Holstering it, he slid down and grabbed some shirt material off one of the dead soldiers, tearing it from his lifeless body.  Immediately he started applying a tourniquet to Solynne's thigh to stop the bleeding.  Worry was painted across his face. He looked into her eyes and saw they were glazed. 
    ‘ No don’t be dead, please,’ he placed his head on her chest.  There was something faint there still and Kane's heart leaped with hope. He needed to move quickly and he couldn’t send a mental message either.  He didn’t have the skill.   Picking her up, Kane cradled her in his arms and stepped into his stirrup, it took three goes to get onto the horse and he was off.  Riding quickly he headed directly east, it would be a couple of hours but he had to try, it was all he could do. There was a tavern he knew of in that direction.   Kane was sure from the troop movements it hadn’t been hit and he knew the old barmaid there. She was good at nursing, she had talent as a healer too.
    The miles passed by one hour and then the next.  He checked periodically on Solynne and would find her still breathing, she was one tough nut,
    ‘ Hang in there my love.’ The horse was getting run ragged, the animal kept slowing down to a trot but Kane spurred him on, pushing the horse to its limits.  He was not going to let Solynne die for the sake of the welfare of the horse.
    He crossed a stream and again the horse tried to stop but he gave it vicious jabs with his heels and he managed to get him moving.  Then maybe a hundred yards on he saw it, the inn and a few buildings.  No defense walls here, for as long as people could remember there had never been a need in these parts.  The innkeepers always had men on duty to ward off thieves and take care of the drunks. It had worked well all these years.
    Kane pulled up hard at the front of the inn and stepped down almost collapsing.  He was weak from the hard riding, panting and sweating he dragged himself forward under that deadweight, no, not dead but almost.  He managed to lean against the door and croak out a call. 
    There was movement inside and a voice called out. 
    “ If that’s a drunk trying to come back for another drink then he is in for a flogging!”
    As the Barkeep opened the door, Kane and his burden collapsed through it on to the floor.
    “ By the Gods!”
    The Barkeep immediately grabbed Solynne as Kane fell forward, half catching her and half on the floor. He didn't hesitate in calling out immediately,
    “ Rebecca! Get your medicine quickly and get here!”
    Rebecca came rushing out with her bag of things, she took one look and called out,
    “ Peewee, get your muscles over here, we need you to help!”
    Peewee was huge, all muscle and simple.  He picked Solynne up like she was a pillow in his arms.
    “ Now put her out on that table and let me look at her. Korr,” she said pointing back towards the doorway, “You check on him to see if that blood is his at all.”
    The barkeep turned back and knelt down to Kane’s prostate form and started giving him the once

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