Angels Blood

Angels Blood by Gerard Bond Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Angels Blood by Gerard Bond Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gerard Bond
Tags: Fantasy, Science Fiction & Fantasy
chest and he felt a little better.
    Justin grinned, he thought he knew what was going on over there.  He reached over to Keera and squeezed her breast but promptly got batted away. Well, others were getting it, why not him? Looking across now he realized the elf was gone.  Eldoron had moved off without a word, should he say something? No one seemed perturbed, no, he might as well keep it to himself, and what could they do here in the dark with an elf on the loose anyway? He lay his head back down and waited to fall asleep.
    Keera was also waiting for Justin to fall asleep, she lay there listening to his breathing and once it was deep and slow, she stole away into the darkness.   She moved off from the campsite a bit and sat on a nearby boulder, looking up at the stars.  Her feet felt cool on the stone, the breeze was going through her light top too but she didn’t mind.  It reminded her she was alive. 
    These last few days had become a monotonous drudgery of riding and resting, aches and pains, hunger and lack of sleep.  The soreness was a pain and then always being constantly on the lookout.  At least when she was a mercenary they would go to a tavern, get drunk, sex some strangers up and leave them behind in the morning. That for her had been how she had always unwound.
    This wasn’t so exciting, she was beginning to miss the free life of what she had left behind. Justin could be fun but he was so inexperienced and she hated having to show him how to do every little thing and then have to remind him each time too.  ‘Wollfen says I have to be patient, but sometimes it’s all too much,’ she wasn’t sure she was cut out to handle it all. Oh Wollfen, now he was much more of a man. Dark was with him and yes, Keera was jealous. Who knows, maybe something will happen to Dark and she could become number one? What did Dark have that she didn’t? Keera had bigger tits and was just as slim.
    Oh I’m just being pissy she thought, I could do with a drink. Maybe go off and find a tavern, getting laid by some guy might do it, a few drinks to loosen up first. That would be the shot. No, all just bullshit none of it was serious, she didn’t want any of that. She wanted more, but what? That elf certainly was interesting. Pity he is gone.
    Kane awoke the next morning with a start.  Looking around he felt lost, he was in a barn but where? Then he remembered last night, the tavern. He sprang up and realized that was a mistake, letting out a moan he felt his body cry out, it was stiff and aching. He had pushed it hard last night. Solynne!  He rushed out to the back door of the tavern and flung it open.  Korr was sitting at a bench munching away on something.
    Korr raised an eyebrow at him, 
    “ Awake are we? You will be pleased to know your girl pulled though last night.” That was a godsend.
    “ Where is she?”
    “ You will find her down the hall, door on the right.”
    Korr went back to his meal, it was very absorbing. Kane strode down to the door and tried it.  It was open and he pushed it wide slowly, looking in.  There was Solynne lying in bed and asleep, she was covered and he could see a lump on the side of her thigh through the sheet. Rebecca was there too, preparing some ingredients for some sort of poultice.  There were two of them, probably for both sides of her thigh where the bolt had passed through he surmised.
    “ How is she?” He whispered.
    “ Alive but not much more I’m afraid.” Rebecca replied in a low voice.
    He stepped closer to the bed and looked down.  Her face was drawn and gaunt, he lifted the sheet and looked underneath, she was naked too but what struck him was how white she was, almost gray.
    “ How do you think she will be?”
    “ Oh well she made it through the night so that’s something, do you know a Wollfen? She called his name and yours out a couple of times during the night.”
    “ Mm yes, he is our leader. Did she say anything?”
    “ No, just your names.” Rebecca

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