Another Summer

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Book: Another Summer by Sue Lilley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sue Lilley
the room.  He’d spotted Evie first and he knew exactly where to bump into her again.  He wouldn’t have to wait until Saturday night to get one over on Steve.
    Joe had never been on a beach at seven o’clock in the morning, unless he was still partying from the night before.  The sun was barely warm but he gritted his teeth and arranged himself on a rock in his sawn-off jeans, practising his lucky grin.
    When Evie stopped in front of him, she didn’t seem  exactly thrilled to see him but it gave him a great view of her too-tight swimsuit.  Her nipples were poking through the fabric and he needed a cough to keep his voice controlled and casual.
    “I was wondering if you fancied some company when you went for your swim?”
    She shrugged, not saying one way or the other but he took it as a good sign when he noticed she was blushing.  He let her go first, assuming she’d be impressed by what she’d think were his good manners.  But he really just wanted to clock her bum as she walked down the slope to the sea.
    The suit rode up between her cheeks and she kept brushing her thighs as if she wanted to tug it down, but didn’t want to draw attention to it.  He had to run into the sea before she could spot the obvious bulge in his shorts.
    The water was freezing but Evie didn’t even flinch and he had to go flat out to keep up with her.  When she’d finally had enough, he staggered out after her and sprawled on the sand, an arm across his eyes to block out the morning sun as he tried to get his breath back.
    “And you do this for fun?”
    She laughed as she sat down beside him, her hair escaping from her untidy plait as she dried her face and arms on the towel she’d had the good sense to bring down with her.  She passed it to him and he grasped the chance to hide his face.  In a minute he’d be panting.  She was gorgeous.
    “I used to swim for my school until I gave it up this year.  Exams, you know how it is?”
    He nodded but he wasn’t really listening as she leaned back on her hands and closed her eyes, her face tilted up to the sun.  The wet navy fabric clung to her curves, hardly containing her breasts.  She was oblivious to his hard-on.
    He shuffled onto his side, propping up his chin with an elbow wedged in the sand.  It was ages since he’d fancied anyone so much.  Usually, as Steve had been so quick to point out, he had a queue of obvious older women who were up for it, so he never had to try too hard.  A virgin was something else.
    “Don’t you just love the early morning sun?”
    He didn’t remember ever noticing it and he wasn’t about to start now, not when he had a half naked Evie to look at.  She’d crossed her endless legs at the ankles.  They were dry now, except for a few drops on the inside of her thigh.  He wanted to wipe his finger down her skin but thought that might be pushing his luck.
    A strap slid down her arm, like a test.  Her eyes were closed and he did think twice about it.  But the chance to touch her was too good to give up and he eased it back into place, keeping his thumb hooked in her strap, half expecting her to slap him. 
    “You’re so hot.  I mean pretty.  So pretty.”
    “Am I?”
    She might be shy but she wasn’t moving his hand, so close now to the swell of those amazing breasts.  He wanted to tug down her suit and feel the weight of them, taste the nipples he could almost see.  His blood had turned to liquid fire but he knew he’d have to be careful.  She wouldn’t be used to horny bastards like him.
    A wet curl had stuck to her face and he tucked it behind her ear.  He kissed her, making himself go gently, almost killing himself to keep it safe like that.  She broke away and sat up, hiding her face in her shoulder.  Shit!  Had he ruined it?  Treading nicely had never been Joe’s style.  He’d have coped better with a slap.
    “Sorry, Evie.  Couldn’t help it.”
    “No, it was nice.  I think.”
    “Thanks.  I think.”

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