and clothes. But when these nice people threw the supplies over the fence surrounding the nameless kingdom, the Spewers rushed to get them. Like wolves fighting over a scrap of meat, they turned on each other and, in their frenzy, the blisters covering their bodies burst so violently that it sprayed right through the fence and all over the people who had so thoughtfully brought them these gifts.
As we all know, this meant that the magic liquid the evil wizard created was now in the bodies of those who’d tried to help the ungrateful Spewers. Not knowing what to do, these people decided to keep it a secret, hoping that maybe things would be different in Hope and they would be spared the agonizing death contained in the Spewers bodies. But this, dear children, was the wrong thing to do.
The nice people got very, very sick but they still tried to hide what had happened to them. They shared food and water with others, they coughed and sneezed, and made babies with their wives and husbands. But, within days, they could conceal their secret no more: it was obvious to everyone that they were turning into Spewers themselves.
The king of Hope met with his most trusted advisors and talked long into the night. They still remembered how the evil wizard’s magic had spread through the Old World and were afraid for the people of their kingdom. Though it was not an easy decision to make, the King and his advisors called all of the Sweepers to them and gave them their instructions.
That night, the Sweepers went to the homes of those who’d been tainted by the Spewers’ evil poison. With heavy hearts, they ended the suffering of the sick, ensuring that no one else would be blighted by the evil curse that fallen upon their people. That, however, was just the first part of their plan, for the king and his advisors realized that in order for their people to always be safe, there could be no Spewers.
Before this could happen, however, there was a great crash and the entire kingdom of Hope rushed to their windows to see what had made such a horrible sound. Looking out over the fields, they saw in the moonlight that the walls of the kingdom with no name had fallen. Armed with sticks and stones, the hateful Spewers ran across the field of grass with murderous cries rumbling in their throats, intent on taking everything that the citizens of Hope had worked so hard to achieve.
The King of Hope was a wise man and he knew that the Spewers would pollute the pure blood of his subjects if they were allowed to breach the kingdom. His people would become sick and die and it would be just like The End all over again. He loved his people so much that he simply couldn’t allow this to happen, so the citizens of Hope took their scavenged weapons and opened fire on the Spewer army.
Even though many dark hearted Spewers fell to the ground, some actually made it inside the kingdom, where they bashed open the heads of innocents with their rocks and stole everything they could get their greedy hands on. The brave Sweepers scoured Hope, hoping to stop them before their toxins could claim the lives of other innocent settlers. But it wasn’t to be.
Even though the Spewers eventually realized they were fighting a battle they couldn’t win and retreated into the darkness of the forest, the ones who’d made it inside the walls of Hope had already spread their sickness to those they met. Once again, in the days to come, the infected had to be cut from the flock so that others might live.
By this time, the king realized that his people could not live safely as one large community. With so many people all in one place, the sickness easily spread among them and it would only be a matter of time before his subjects would all be impure. If allowed to continue, mankind would disappear from the face of the earth, never to be seen again.
This was something he couldn’t allow to happen. Calling his advisors again, he