Apprehended (Amber Alert Series Book 3)

Apprehended (Amber Alert Series Book 3) by Sara Schoen Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Apprehended (Amber Alert Series Book 3) by Sara Schoen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Schoen
me so much?
    "Sure, Callum," I answered, moving past the table cluttered with papers and files. There were white boards around the room mapping out each girl's life history, but Audrey's picture got me every time. She could be gone now, but luckily he had made a mistake.
    Every once in a while, I would begin to wonder if it was a mistake, but I never entertained the thoughts. I didn't want to stir the water on what the team had already figured out. I had been chewed out for that before with Callum and didn't want a repeat. I was doing well, until now , I thought sourly to myself as Callum lead me to a deserted back hallway in the building. Whenever he wanted to talk to me it meant that I did something wrong, and he was going to blow up at me for whatever it was.
    "You've been asking Anna and Audrey for help, instead of thinking for yourself." Callum started out immediately to the point. He wasn't one to beat around the bush, he just wanted to get to the point and be done with it. I had to say it had been refreshing when I first met him, even an attractive trait, but now it was just annoying. "Their ideas aren't what I'm looking for, I want yours. I need you to start thinking for yourself Jessi."
    "But Anna knows this the best and—” I started, but Callum quickly silenced me with a flick of his hand. It was clear he didn't want to hear my excuses, and he had more to say about it before I could speak.
    "You're using their advice and putting it into your own words. That's like stealing another person's work and calling it your own!" Callum yelled, allowing his booming voice to echo off the empty walls and bounce around me as a constant reminder. "You're trying to make yourself seem better than you actually are by using their advice and it's not working. I know you don't know a lot, because you were little, I want your opinion though, not theirs!"
    "You wanted theirs first, that's what I'm doing. I'm trying to pull in all the information we can have—”I interrupted before he put his hand over my mouth and glared at me to tell me to stop talking.
    "That was when we thought he was copying Steve Bennett, but this man has a different profile then Bennett, he may have similarities and may have even idolized him for a while, but he isn't following the same path. He isn't the same, and because of that we need new eyes on this case, not on the old one. I swear it's like you're not even thinking; how did you get here with such a blocked mind?" he asked with a frustrated grunt. He dropped his hand from my mouth so that I could answer him, but I could tell he had to force it. I bet he loved that I hadn't been able to speak for a while, even followed his orders as if he controlled my actions and me.
    "I went to school for this," I stated coolly, trying not to be insulted by his harsh words.
    "You minored in it, don't try to sound high and mighty. I know you’ve been calling on Audrey and Anna in your previous cases too. It’s worked for some, but you should have realized that their advice doesn’t always work," Callum spat at me. “It’s time to think for yourself, learn to work with a team, and do it quick before I send you back to Virginia.” His anger had been so sudden that I didn't understand what it was for. He had finally been able to have a calm conversation with me like the first time we met, and for the first time since I was with him and his team. Now, he seemed to be angry again for no reason.
    "You know that doesn't matter to get into the FBI! What's your actual problem with me?"
    "I don't trust you, that's the problem I have with you," he said with a growl from deep in his chest. I was about to ask him why he didn't trust me or what I could do to show he could trust me, but he beat me to the punch. "I have no reason to trust you. Your way of thinking is all about you and is so focused on old assumptions that you aren't focusing on the new material, Jessi. I can't trust someone that only watches out for themselves or

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