April's Glow

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Book: April's Glow by Juliet Madison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Juliet Madison
he did it would have been dangerous. Things, feelings, were welling up inside, things he hadn’t allowed to well up for a long time. It was crazy, he hardly knew the woman. But it felt like he’d met her before. Anyway, she was dangerous … to the stability he’d worked so hard for, to his focus. But danger drew him close like a magnet. Always had, always would. As long as he didn’t get too close, he’d be okay. He could be friendly, a good neighbour, flirt a little, but that was all.
    As he returned to his room and shut the window, a bird squawked far in the distance; a reminder that in a couple of hours the sun would start to rise. As it always did. Knowing that no matter what, the sun would shine with each new day, had kept him going over the last several months.
    One day at a time, he reminded himself.
    And there were only one hundred and forty-four of them to go.

Chapter 7
    April checked her income and expenses spreadsheet on the computer at work and winced. There were so many expenses in the early stages of running a business, but as long as she had enough to cover her living expenses, it’d be worth it in the long run.
    â€˜It’s all for a good cause,’ Belinda said. ‘What’s with the worried face?’
    April flicked her hand. ‘It’s nothing. Should have budgeted a bit better, I guess. But yeah, I wanted to do this.’
    Providing a heap of complimentary candles for the upcoming Anzac Day service in a couple of weeks would put a dent in her income, but it would be worth it. Sure, her business name would get exposure, but that wasn’t the reason. Knowing that candles from her store would bring light and hope to those remembering a traumatic past made her feel good. Like she was making some sort of difference, however small. Just as one small candle had given her hope.
    She recalled how Zac had picked up on this. Or maybe he had guessed. Either way, it had nudged a part of her inside that didn’t want to be nudged. That part that if she allowed herself to become too aware of, might release a whole lot of stuff she wasn’t ready to face. She had to stay focused, happy, and keep moving forward. If she kept going, kept getting further away from her own past, maybe it would gradually disappear.
    April grabbed her handbag.
    â€˜Let me guess, Café Lagoon?’ asked Belinda. ‘Why not try some place different for lunch?’
    â€˜Well, last week I went to the café around the corner, remember?’
    She nodded. ‘Or you could get some takeaway and sit in the park today. Fresh air, sunshine, maybe perv on random cute men.’ She raised her eyebrows twice.
    â€˜Actually, I will go some place different.’
    Belinda held out a hand to high-five, but April didn’t take it.
    â€˜I have some leftover soup at home. Need to save money. I’ll eat there and be back in an hour.’
    â€˜Bor-ing.’ Belinda dropped her hand and slumped, then straightened up. ‘Oh! Unless … perving on not-so-random cute men who live next door perhaps?’
    April shook her head and was about to exit the store when she remembered. A candle for Zac. She peered at her shelves and displays.
    Just a man.
    Needs a candle for his home.
    You choose.
    She couldn’t get him anything too girly, or too sweet smelling, or too … what sort of candle could he possible want?
    Men like food, right? Food, and … spicy stuff. Right?
    Cinnamon. She grabbed the burnt orange-brown triple-wick candle from behind the display of cinnamon sticks wrapped in twine.
    â€˜Shoplifting?’ Belinda asked.
    â€˜Living dangerously.’ April winked and walked out.
    * * *
    She wouldn’t give it to him yet, like she’d rushed back on her lunchbreak to obey his strange demands. She quickly walked past his house and into hers. Romeo meowed profusely at the back door and she let him in. ‘Shh, Romeo, the neighbour might be having an

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