Arena Shifters (A Paranormal Romance Novel)

Arena Shifters (A Paranormal Romance Novel) by Casey Evans Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Arena Shifters (A Paranormal Romance Novel) by Casey Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Casey Evans
live to see 15, so it was a momentous day for the boy
turned man. It was also a miserable day for his 12 year old brother Lucius. It
there was any way he could rain on the festivities today and get away with it
he would. Problem was, now that Dionysius was a man, any “pranks” done on him
by Lucius would be considered a punishable attack and not a prank anymore. In
other words, anything Lucius did could garner him public flogging if he brother
should choose it.
    Lucius stomach turned when he
walked into the Great Hall where the main celebration was being held. Of course
on a night like this, nearly every room in the Villa would be occupied by party
goers. There was a special chair set up for the Praetor, should he and his wife
show up. Of course they were sent special invitations that implied the promise
of luxurious gifts should he make an appearance. Lucius looked around, then
spotted his brother sitting on a large comfortable chair. Seated on either side
of him were two slave girls who were fawning all over him. He could not
understand his brother’s preoccupation with female slaves now. Just two years
ago they were both sitting on that same chair giggling and making crude remarks
about the hideous looking female slaves that were all over his father’s villa.
In fact, one of those very slaves was sitting half in Dionysius’s lap, without
a stitch of clothing on; positively disgusting!
    He stood there watching as
the girls were whispering things in his ears, then turning and kissing each
other while he looked on. It seemed the more whispering that took place the
more disgusting things the girls did with each other. The last straw was when
one girl began suckling on the other’s breast like an infant. For some unknown reason
that seemed to drive his brother to distraction. He kept shifting the weight of
the girl on his lap like he was suddenly uncomfortable. He could watch no more.
This was supposed to be a happy day for everyone, including himself, but it was
far from that.
    * * *
    * * *
    Gaius nearly fell over in
shock, in fact he might have had he not been seated. Standing before him was
the Praetor himself; looking highly displeased. How could he not have been
forewarned of his coming? He would have sent out a proper greeting party to
meet him at the edge of town. Not like the Praetor didn’t know the way to his
villa; it was just proper decorum to meet him with an armed escort. Sometime,
somewhere, he would pay for the slight; just not tonight, he hoped.
    “Splendid party Gaius,” said
the Praetor. “And is that the lucky man of honor?” He asked, pointing to
    “Yes indeed Praetor. You
honor us with your presence here. Is there anything I can get for you? Wine,
food, women…”
    “Wine please. I am absolutely
parched. I hadn’t remembered the town to be so dry and dusty.”
    Dominus signaled for slaves
to attend to the Praetor. The sooner he could be plied with drink and women the
more likely he would forget to punish him for his lack of manners.
    “I understand you have
purchased another gladiatrix, have you not?” Asked the Praetor.
    How did he find that out, he
wondered? He pondered denying it, but decided the truth would suit him better.
    “Yes yes, she certainly shows
promise. She has been called a prodigy, but I hardly think there’s merit.”
    “I’d like to see her.”
    He grimaced. No good could
come from whatever the Praetor was planning. But he plastered a smile on his
face and answered back. “Of course. When would you like her brought up?”
    “Now would be fine.”
    Bastard! He called over one of his personal guards. “Ronan, see
that the new gladiatrix is bathed and brought up to me immediately.”
    “Belay the bathing Gaius.”
Said the Praetor, rudely overruling the Dominus in his own house.
    “Yes of course.” He changed
the order and the guard hurried out. Gaius groaned inwardly. Already the
punishment had begun.
    Five minutes later

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