Artemis Fowl 08 - The Last Guardian

Artemis Fowl 08 - The Last Guardian by Eoin Colfer Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Artemis Fowl 08 - The Last Guardian by Eoin Colfer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eoin Colfer
    Holly rolled her eyes and flicked the controls to manual.
    “D’Arvit,” she said, and pressed the accelerator to the floor.
    The off-roader leaped forward, jerking free from its guide rail, setting off revolving lights and warning sirens.
    Onscreen, Foaly rubbed his eyelids with index fingers. “Yeah, yeah. Here we go. Captain Short goes rogue once more. Hands up who’s surprised. Anyone?”
    Holly tried to ignore the centaur and concentrate on squeezing the shuttle through the shrinking gap.
    Usually I pull this sort of stunt toward the end of an adventure, she thought. Third-act climax. We’re starting early this time.
    The shuttle grated along the tunnel floor, the friction sending up twin arcs of sparks that bounced off the walls. Holly slipped control goggles over her eyes and automatically adjusted her vision to the curious double focus necessary to send blink commands to the sensors in her lenses and actually look at what was in front of her.
    “Close,” she said. “It’s going to be close.” And then, before they lost the link: “Good luck, Foaly. Stay safe.”
    The centaur tapped his screen with two fingers. “Good luck to us all.”
    Holly bought them an extra few inches by deflating the Cupid ’s suspension pads, and the off-roader ducked under the descending blast doors with half a second to spare, swooping into the natural chimney. Below, the earth’s core spewed up magma columns ten miles wide, creating fiery updrafts that blasted the small shuttle’s scorched underside and set it spiraling toward the surface.
    Holly set the stabilizers and allowed the headrest to cradle her neck and skull.
    “Hold on,” she said. “There’s a rough ride ahead.”
    Pip jumped when the alarm sounded on his phone as though he had not been expecting it, as though he had not been counting the seconds. Nevertheless he seemed surprised, now that the moment had finally arrived. Shooting Kip had drained the cockiness from him, and his body language was clearly that of a reluctant assassin.
    He tried to regain some of that old cavalier spirit by waving his gun a little and leering at the camera; but it is difficult to represent the murder of a childlike pixie as anything but that.
    “I warned you,” he said to the camera. “This is on you people, not me.”
    In Police Plaza, Commander Kelp activated the mike.
    “I will find you,” he growled. “If it takes me a thousand years, I will find you and deliver you to a lifetime’s imprisonment.”
    This actually seemed to cheer Pip a little. “You? Find me? Sorry if that doesn’t worry me, cop, but I know someone who scares me a lot more than you.”
    And without further discussion he shot Opal, once, in the head.
    The pixie toppled forward as though struck from behind with a shovel. The bullet’s impact drove her into the ground with some force, but there was very little blood except a small trickle from her ear, almost as if young Opal had fallen from her bicycle in the schoolyard.
    In Police Plaza the usually riotous operations center grew quiet as the entire force waited for the repercussions of the murder they had just witnessed. Which quantum theory would prove correct? Perhaps nothing at all would happen apart from the death of a pixie.
    “Okay,” said Trouble Kelp, after a long pregnant moment. “We’re still operational. How long before we’re out of the troll’s den?”
    Foaly was about to run a few calculations on the computer when the wall screen spontaneously shattered, leaking green gas into the room.
    “Hold on to something,” he advised. “Chaos is coming.”
    Opal Koboi felt herself die, and it was a curious sensation, like an anxious gnawing at her insides.
    So this is what trauma feels like, she thought. I’m sure I’ll get over it.
    The sour sickness was soon replaced by a fizzing excitement as she relished the notion of what she was to become.
    Finally I am transforming. Emerging from my chrysalis as the most

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