Ashes and Ice

Ashes and Ice by Tracie Peterson Read Free Book Online

Book: Ashes and Ice by Tracie Peterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracie Peterson
Tags: Ebook
us here now.”
    “I can ask around about packers,” Jacob offered. “I’ll bet Mr. Ivankov could tell us where we can get help.”
    “Mr. Ivankov might not be feeling too kindly toward me just now,” Karen replied. “We had some rather heated words. We should probably stick to asking someone else.”
    Jacob shrugged. “That’s all right. I know lots of folks I can talk to.”
    Karen nodded. “Good. Let’s see to getting settled over to the Gold Nugget first, and then we’ll discuss the matter in more detail. There’s a lot of work involved. It’s not just money or the supplies. There’s a great deal of distance between here and Dawson and a great many people of less than sparkling character who stand between here and there. We’ll have to think this through and do what’s best to ensure our safety.”
    “And we have to pray, too,” Leah chimed in.
    Karen nodded, but felt no desire to encourage any further thought on the matter. She was angry at God, and talking to Him just now was the last thing she wanted to do.

    PETER WAS UNPREPARED for the sight that awaited him at breakfast. His father sat at the head of the table as usual, but before him was an open Bible, and he was reading to the women who sat at either side of him.
    “Psalm 112 says, ‘Praise ye the Lord. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, that delighteth greatly in his commandments. His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed. Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth forever.’”
    The verse set Peter on edge. He could remember a time when he was very young that his father had read the Bible to them at bedtime, but that habit had certainly passed by the wayside for more constructive, beneficial habits. Peter cleared his throat before his father could continue. “I didn’t realize we were having church this morning.”
    Ephraim looked up and smiled at his son. “You’re often gone before the morning meal. Grace convinced us of this marvelous routine.” He smiled at his daughter-in-law, and Peter watched her flush nervously. She knew he wouldn’t approve, and yet she’d once again gone behind his back to manipulate his family.
    Peter took his chair beside Grace and refused to look at her when he spoke. “Grace has a great many strange ideas. I wouldn’t give all of them credence.”
    “Peter, what an ungracious thing to say. Grace is a lovely young woman with a fine mind,” Amelia Colton admonished. “She has brought a certain light and joy into this house. I hardly think it fair to accuse her of having strange ideas.”
    “I do not recall that this family ever wasted time over meals with Bible readings,” Peter said as he reached out for a platter of sausages.
    “Then perhaps we should have,” Miranda countered.
    Peter paused, holding the platter aloft, but turned his attention to his younger sister. “I would think you, above the others, would know exactly how faulty Grace’s advice can be.”
    “You are just being thickheaded,” Miranda snapped.
    “And you are being insolent, a trait I know without a doubt you have learned from my wife.”
    “Enough!” Ephraim declared. “I’m ashamed of your words, Peter. Did I not raise you to have respect for the women in this family? For any woman?”
    Peter dropped the platter on the table. He slammed his fist down hard, causing all the contents on the table to vibrate. He got to his feet, barely able to contain his anger. Nothing had gone right since he’d brought Grace home.
    “Perhaps you would find the meal less unpleasant if I simply took myself away.”
    “Son, we would just as soon have you stay,” Ephraim began, and Peter felt some small amount of control returning. But just as he considered retaking his seat, his father added, “However, if you insist on treating your sister and wife in a poor manner, then perhaps it is just as well you go.”
    Peter had never been

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