her back at their room. Andrea yanked Desirae and Carina into the hallway and called out to a group that had just passed the door. She began introducing the guys as Carina struggled to keep up. She needed to be polite but she was ready to call it a night.
“This is Fabien and Emile…” Andrea was saying.
“Wait, aren’t you in my biology class?” The guy named Emile asked. He was looking directly at Carina.
Carina tried not to stare but she was trying to place him. Their class wasn’t that big but she really didn’t socialize. “You have Professor Watters?” She asked trying to remain engaged in the conversation.
“Yes, you don’t recall the brilliant student who successfully completed the lab on the first try?” He playfully reminded her.
Carina remembered that disastrous lab. The professor had purposely given minimal instructions testing to see who had actually read the syllabus.
“Ah, the suck up… I remember you.” She teased right back.
The others looked puzzled as Emile and Carina erupted in laughter. He told his side of the story while Carina interjected and depicted hers.
Desirae faux gasped. “Do you mean yo u did not get a perfect score?”
Carina rolled her eyes at her roommate. She wasn’t a perfect student and never tried to be. Carina just had a passion for learning.
Emile’s friend elbowed him but kept his gaze on Carina. She blushed feeling his eyes devour her.
“I’m Fabien.” He directly introduced himself to Carina. She did the same while trying not to bite her lip. His good looks and easy smile made Carina feel warm. Fabien’s bright aquamarine eyes and chocolate hair g arnered all sorts of attention.
A commotion down the hall interrupted them. A large group gathered peering into one of the rooms , causing others to congregate.
“Shit” Andrea muttered. “Party might end soon if that’s a fight.”
Their small group shuffled toward the assembling crowd. Carina rolled her eyes knowing they were being sheep following the herd. At the entrance to the door Carina noticed most of Jaxon’s entourage. Her internal radar screamed to stay away. Nothing good could come of this. She grabbed Desirae’s arm and froze mid-step; they didn’t need to get any closer. Carina didn’t want or need to see what was behind door number three. The crowd pushed them forward causing one of Jaxon’s sidekicks to notice Carina.
“This show’s just for you sweetness.” The guy sneered as he thrust Carina into the doorway. People complained as Carina blocked their view, completely frozen in place.
The room must’ve been what Desirae designated as one of the sex rooms. In the corner a couple was on the sofa going at it but with a throw cover concealing their dirty deed. Another couple was heavily making out while watching the room’s occupants and getting their cheap thrills in that manner. But the main attraction was front and center and purposely performing for the room and all those gathered in the hallway.
Carina wasn’t surprised to see him. He was proud of every magnificent centimeter of his well sculpted body. Bile rose in her throat. She was nothing more than another notch on his bedpost. Carina knew this. She’d heard it from plenty of girls. But watching him at this moment, performing for everyone caused mixed emotions. She choked on disgust while trying to ignore her body’s immediate response to his gloriously naked body. Carina was revolted with herself for feeling anything at all.
Jaxon aggressively pursued Carina even after he’d bedded her. He’d whispered sweet nothings in her ear before, during, and after sex. Many girls felt fortunate to get a semblance of his attention. The “specially chosen ones” got to share more than one sexcipade with him.
Carina had lost count how many times they’d had sex. What could she say? The man was gifted. But to watch him bending this girl over and thrusting into her like a dog in heat was too much. He knew everyone was
Gentle Warrior:Honor's Splendour:Lion's Lady