Autumn Adventure (Summer Unplugged #6)

Autumn Adventure (Summer Unplugged #6) by Amy Sparling Read Free Book Online

Book: Autumn Adventure (Summer Unplugged #6) by Amy Sparling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Sparling
starting with the tablet snooping and ending with how my biggest fear is that everyone is right and we were idiots by getting married so young.
    “ That’s your biggest fear?” Jace asks once I’ve finished my monologue of crazed babbling. “Tell me this, Bay. Did you think we were too young to be getting married a week ago?”
    I shake my head. “We’re young, but I didn’t care. If anything, I thought it was romantic because now we can spend our entire lives together.”
    “Good,” Jace says, letting out a breath. “That’s how you feel and that’s how I feel. So tell me why it hell it matters what someone else thinks? Especially someone on the damn internet?”
    I open my mouth but can’t think of anything to say. “Well, when you put it like that…” I say, trailing off with a shrug. “I guess it doesn’t matter. But I hate reading stuff like that.”
    He grabs my hand. “Then stop reading it. The day I packed up my shit and went to Salt Gap for the summer was the day I quit reading idiot’s opinions on the internet. I haven’t looked back and I haven’t started caring again since.”
    “You’re right,” I say. “As always.”
    He squeezes my hand and gestures out toward the open air with his other hand. “This is our life. This is me and you. What we do is our own damn business and anyone who tries to give us unsolicited advice can go to hell.”
    I smile a big, toothy smile. “I like you, Jace Adams.”
    “Oh, you like me?” He says, his voice flaring with sarcasm. “That’s good, I think. Let me consult the internet real quick and see what I should feel about this topic of you liking me…” He lifts the tablet and I grab it out of his hands.
    “Oh my God. Way to ruin the moment, you big dork.”
    His eyes sparkle in the sunlight and it makes my heart go all fluttery in my chest. “Hey, did you know the word dork means a whale penis?”
    “Ugh, you’re so gross!” I say, followed by, “Wait, seriously?”
    He shrugs. “That’s what everyone says. Weird, huh?”
    I get up from my patio chair and make my way over to his, maneuvering across the tiny balcony so I can sit in his lap. One thing I love about Jace is how any time I get near to him, his body will shift and make room for me, as if by instinct. I never have to ask if I can sit by him, he just lifts his arms and wraps them around me. I don’t have to hint that I want a hug, or pucker my lips first—he’s always one step ahead of me. Always aware that I’m standing right there, and always happy to give me affection. Those are the reasons I love him.
    “I know how we’re going to see the Grand Canyon,” he says a few moments later.
    “How’s that?”
    “We’re going to drive up to the South Rim, find a place to sit and watch the sun set.”
    I draw in a breath of the warm Arizona air and let my head rest against the front of his chest. “I know it’s not hiking or rafting or something crazy,” he continues, stroking his fingers through my hair, “But it’ll be fun.”
    I nod. “It’ll be perfect.”

Chapter 9
    Perfect is an understatement. Is there a word that means perfection times a million? Jace opens a bottled water from the cooler we brought and hands it to me. I take a small sip because this moment is so wonderful and I’m not going to ruin it by rushing off to the bathroom. Plus—I look around—I’m not even sure there is a bathroom around here. There are touristy places all over, but Jace and I have ventured far away from where we parked and found an isolated place all to ourselves.
    We have a multicolored striped blanket that we purchased from a gift shop spread out on the rocky ground and a Styrofoam cooler, from the same gift shop, filled with drinks and snacks. We wanted to go for that picnic vibe, but as it turned out, there was nothing particularly appetizing to eat at the shop we found. Unless jerky made from exotic animals was your thing.
    As a pregnant girl who had, up until now,

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