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particularly,” she answered.
    “I’ve been smoking for twenty-five years. I find it just about impossible to quit, especially when I don’t have any incentive. I have made myself a promise, though—as soon as I become a father, my smoking days are over.”
    “That’s a noble goal, and I wish you the best of luck with it.” She smiled. Well, they both wanted to be parents. That was something they had in common.
    “Lynsey, would you stay with me tonight?”
    There was an intensity in his gray eyes that caused her to quiver just a bit. Before she could answer, her cell phone began to ring inside her handbag. She dug it out and looked at the incoming number. It was Nick. “Excuse me for one minute, Caleb. I need to take this call.”
    “Hi Nicky, what’s up?” she asked cheerfully.
    “Hey, Lynsey. I just got in from work. I was wondering if you plan on coming home tonight? I don’t want to throw the deadbolt on the inside of the front door and lock you out if you’re coming back.”
    Caleb had his back to her, an obvious pretense of giving her some privacy while he read the news from the internet.
    She didn’t need to debate long about staying with Caleb or returning back to Nick’s house. “I’ll be back. See you later, then.”
    She disconnected the call and considered that Nick had never been concerned before about locking the deadbolt. As a matter of fact, she didn’t even remember there being a deadbolt on the front door. Was it at all possible that Nick was simply calling to check on her, or perhaps he was hoping to break up an intimate moment?
    “I swear that tightly-wound pain in the ass has radar. Whether it’s twenty years ago or tonight, he’s still trying to step in between us,” said Caleb.
    “No, no, Nicky is just protective of me…like a big brother,” she explained.
    “I don’t think he’s ever spoken more than two sentences to me at any one time. The boy sure knows how to hold a grudge.”
    Lynsey didn’t want to tell him that Nick had only recently described him as a sleazy whore. Some things were better left unsaid.
    “Well, whether you realize it or not, he’s in love with you. Either that or he’s obsessed. Personally, I’m leaning towards obsessed. Because of that, you might be the only one who can talk some sense into him.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “I mean, Nick is in the process of committing career suicide.”
    Her brow furrowed. “What are you talking about, Caleb? Nicky loves his job. From my understanding, he’s very good at it as well.”
    “I do not doubt his ability, Lynsey. It’s his drive.”
    “I don’t understand.”
    “There are two positions opening up at the precinct. One is a sergeant position—exclusive daylight hours to boot. The other is a detective position, also straight daylight. He hasn’t applied for either, and he has so much seniority that he can have his pick. People are just starting to wonder…and talk.”
    “I can’t say what Nick thinks, Caleb,” she said with a shrug. “I do know that if Nick isn’t interested, then he has his reasons, and everyone should respect his privacy.”
    “Well, with all of the new housing and businesses springing up all over Unity, along with the influx of people who will be moving in, there is to be a huge hiring soon. Nicholas is going to very soon find himself being bossed around by some snot-nosed little brat.”
    “Dominick. His name is Dominick, not Nicholas,” she told him, all the while thinking that the subject of Nick’s job wasn’t something she wanted to discuss with Caleb. If the opportunity presented itself, she might casually mention something to Nick.
    “So, do you want to go upstairs and get out of that dress?” He turned on a devilish smile and rubbed his hands together. “I can promise that you won’t regret it.”
    She was thrown by the sudden change of subject. “I’m sorry, Caleb. As flattered as I am by the offer—and by the way, I am flattered—it’s way

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