Bad Girl Lessons

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Book: Bad Girl Lessons by Seraphina Donavan, Wicked Muse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Seraphina Donavan, Wicked Muse
enough, he’d get mad. But as a general rule, Jackson was content to simply be a smart ass. That he wanted to actually kill Trevor for touching her surprised him. “What about?” he finally managed to ask.
    “Apparently, Trevor feels that things should just go back to the way they were before and I should be grateful that he’s willing to. He didn’t like it when I didn’t fall in line with his plans,” she said simply. “I went to the police, but its a joke. He didn’t threaten me, and yes he grabbed my arm, but that’s such a minor offense it isn’t even worth pressing charges for.” She noted Jackson’s response. The clenching of his jaw and the chill in his eyes did not bode well.
    “Has he ever done anything like this before? Has he ever hurt you?”
    “Jackson, do not go off half cocked about this. It was an isolated event. The only danger I experienced in my relationship with Trevor was the possibility of being bored to death. I don’t know what yesterday was about other than the fact that Trevor realizes how negatively all of this could impact his precious image and now he’s trying to put it right.”
    “I don’t give a damn what his motivation is, Evie. He left bruises on you!”
    Evie was saved from responding by the sudden appearance of a blue light and the short wail of a siren. She was engulfed in a maelstrom of panic and mortification as she recognized the voice of the local sheriff.
    “There some reason you’re parked in the middle of a field that doesn’t belong to you, Cope?”
    Evie heard the mild epithet that Jackson muttered, which was quickly followed by a brief explanation. “Just came out to look at the stars last night, Sheriff. Fell asleep here in the bed of the truck.”
    “You drunk, Cope?”
    “No, sir. I had a single beer at Tiny’s while I was playing pool, but left after that,” Jackson said. He felt his gut tightening as the sheriff continued to walk closer, “Sheriff, if you don’t mind, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t walk any closer. I’m not exactly by myself here.”
    “Who the hell is in there with you?” the man demanded angrily.
    Jackson reached for his T-shirt and tossed it to Evie, knowing that it would be the quickest thing for her to put on. Even then, it was no easy task laying flat in the bed of the truck. When she finally managed to get the thing on, she sat up and pushed her tangled hair back. “Good morning, Sheriff Dobbs.”
    The look on the middle aged man’s face would have been comical had Evie not been thinking about the fact that it would be all over town before breakfast that she’d been buck naked in the back of Jackson’s truck in the middle of a field. When the sheriff regained his composure, he made a snorting noise that might have passed for a laugh. “You sure didn’t let any grass grow under your feet, did you, girl?”
    “Sheriff, this is more than a little bit embarrassing, so--”
    “Well, the truth of the matter is, Evangeline Harper, it’s a bit more than just embarrassing. It’s also illegal. You’re trespassing on private property, and then there’s the little matter of public indecency...but seeing as how this is your first offense, I reckon we can let matters slide a bit.”
    Evie let out a shuddering breath of relief. That was something at least. It might not stop the gossip, but at least she wouldn’t have to ask her father for bail money. “Thank you, Sheriff.”
    “Now, I’m gonna get out here. Y’all are gonna get dressed and then skedaddle. Next time y’all decide to have a romantic evening, rent a motel room like normal folks, you hear?”
    “Yes, sir,” Jackson responded and watched as the man slid behind the wheel of his car and drove away with a cheerful salute. “Well, do you think it will be before or after lunch that your mother shows up at your office?”
    Evie put her head in her hands and groaned. It was going to be a nightmare. Trevor would hear, of course, and then he’d be on a

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