Bad Jack ((Ascension: Book 1))

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Book: Bad Jack ((Ascension: Book 1)) by Adam Moon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adam Moon
accompany them. Her smile was genuinely sweet and her face was pretty and for some reason the guns were a turn on. It was hard to see her butt but he tried anyway. She caught him staring just as the clean room doors shut between them. He was glad she caught him looking.
    Mild flirtations were a near ly adequate distraction from all of the unnatural shit he had to deal with lately.
    What Jack beheld as the doors whooshed open made him want to curl up on the floor in a ball and suck his thumb.

Chapter15: Creature discomforts
    The warehouse was as big as the one above but with an open floor plan. Instead of shelves of inventory the place was filled with various barred cages that held creatures within them. It was like a creepy zoo down here except these weren’t your run of the mill animals.
    The first creature he saw looked like a cross between a goat and a giraffe. Its eyes were obsidian black and it spat at them.
    Then it did something that ma de Jack’s brain do a somersault. It said, “Fuck off,” but not in a goaty kind of voice. It had a perfect English gentleman’s accent.
    The Doc grabbed him by the shoulder and said, “Don’t worry about him, that’s all he can say. He just spits and says ‘fuck off’ all day long. Let me know if you need to take a mental health break at any point. It can be overwhelming down here the first time.”
    Jack barely heard what the Doctor had said. He kept staring back at that goatraffe as he was led away.
    They stopped in front of a glassed in cage that was woven through with wire mesh. Inside were about a hundred green and yellow bats. But the strange colors weren’t what struck Jack as odd; each bat had wheels, four wheels each, two at the end of the wings and two more on the hind legs.
    When they swooped low enough they’d skate along on their wheels for a bit and then take off again. One bat in particular just flapped right in front of the glass and Jack could swear he heard it make a revving sound as the wheels spun out.
    The Doctor asked, “What do you suppose the symbolism is here?”
    Jack couldn’t help but laugh idiotically as he said “They’re Bat-mobiles.”
    “Huh, we never considered looking at it that way. Maybe you’ll be useful after all.”
    The next cage was iron barred and held a white tiger that had a blow-hole on its back like a dolphin. The blow-hole bubbled with what looked like blood. It erupted once, splattering goop all over the corrugated steel suspended above it, obviously installed as a blood shield.
    Jack was mesmerized and horrified at once.
    The Doctor had to physically move him to the next cage. This cage was empty but the Doctor stood there for a few seconds so Jack leaned against it figuring they were taking a break.
    The Doctor grabbed him and pulled him away from the cage just as something else from inside the bars grabbed him too.
    Jack felt a pressure on the back of his hand before the invisible force released him.
    The Doctor said, “We don’t know what it is but it’s invisible and it does really weird things. We were lucky to even capture it.”
    Jack looked at the back of his hand and the Doc leaned in too. There was a pink heart stamped onto his skin with the word ‘love’ inked within.
    The Doctor just shrugged and said, “You’re lucky that’s all it did. Usually it plays mean pranks. It wrote ‘die nigger’ across my forehead with something painfully sharp before I learned to keep my distance. I had to wear a hat for a while to cover the scratch marks. It picked up a tech and dangled her upside down by the ankle about a month ago. She said it felt like it was punching her in her crotch the whole time. When she went to the bathroom to assess the damage she said all her pubic hair was gone except a patch that spelled out ‘dickhead’. I don’t know what any of it means and now I’m even more curious since it seems to have taken a shine to you.”
    The Doc was enjoying the tour; clearly the man needed more

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