
Balance by Kurt Bartling Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Balance by Kurt Bartling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kurt Bartling
junket, Mr . Allen will have only a few wardrobe changes.  Miss O’Neil will be here longer.  I will return for Mr. Allen in one hour.”  Waters explains before he and Rodriquez depart, leav ing them alone in the large dressing room.
    Michael and Rena look at each other blankly.
    Shortly, f our people enter the dressing room from a connecting office.  As they enter, Michael notices several images , faces and bodies in various states of dress and makeup, visible on the monitors in t he office before the door closed behind them.
    The four, two women and two men , surround Michael and Rena.  They talk amongst themselves, comment ing on their physical appearance: height, stature, face shape, eyes , nose, legs, backside , arms, hands and hair, e verything about each of their bodies critiqued , all of their flaws on public display .  Both instructed to remove their jackets, permitting the evaluators to deliberate on their arms and torso .
    The assessment last s five minutes, all the while Michael or Rena never directly addressed other than instructed to turn, look up, raise their arms, or change their pose.
    As Michael had expected, they fi nd little complaint with Rena.
    The two younger of the four, a man and woman guide Rena to a chair.  The other male directs Michael to the small photography studio located in an adjacent room.
    A distinguishe d thickset black woman, mid-fifties, hair pulled back into a tight bun , wearing horn-rimmed glasses resting halfway down her nose , oversees the activities.   She introduces herself and her colleagues, “I am Ms. Smith .  I am the head of the Immersion Team s.  Our job is to make it so the Infiltration Teams can successfully ‘immerse ’ into a mission.   We specialize in disguise, cover background, documentation, and environment intelligence.  I know you will have question s as to what all that means.  T oday , y ou do not have time to discuss.  You will have more opportunities to understand our role in the future.  Today is about your evaluation .”
    Ms. Smith points at the two assisting Rena, “This is Abigail and Fior.”  Pointing at the man positioning Michael in front of the light green wall, “ and Reg.”
    Ms. Smith continues, “W e are not military, so we don’t address each other as sir, ma’am , sergeant or otherwise in this room, unless you are being courteous.  So Michael, Rena, how have your first couple days been?”  Ms. Smith gives the two a very warm , inviting, understanding smile.
    Rena looking at Michael, assumes the question rhetorical, re p lies sarcastically, “Oh fine, n othing to write home about.”
    Ms. Smith lets out a burst of laughter, “Finally , some chutzpah. D arling we’re go ing to get along beautifully.”
    All six people in the room instantly relax.
    “Speaking of be autiful , ” Ms. Smith continues, “your eyes are exquisite.  Don’t you think Michael?”
    Rena blush es at the pointed question directed at someone she finds attractive .
    Michael , remaining composed, repl ies , “Not much about Rena is not exquisite, don’t you think?” paying Rena the compliment in hope of strengthen ing her evaluation.
    “Well said young man.  I mu st agree.  I’d heard you tw o had a unique rapport with each other … understand you two had only become acquainted , just before your invitation.”
    “Yes, that’ s correct. ” Rena confirms , t he interest in her and Michael’s relationship starting to get unsettling. She muses , ‘I f they or Michael actually knew. ’
    “So , what we are doing today is getting baseline photos of you two.” Ms. Smith explains.
    “Baseline photos for what?” Michael asks.
    Ms. Smith continues, “Michael , we’ll be dressing you in various outfits with some rudimentary enhancements , just to have some examples of how you’d look in different roles .  Given the delicate nature of some operations, correctly placing the right person in an immersion is critical.  Different

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