Ballers Bitches

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Book: Ballers Bitches by Deja King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deja King
came from hustling you better be prepared to accept the bad.
    The first thing I did when I woke up was reach in my bag for some Excedrin Migraine. My head was still throbbing from that pop I took on the head.
    “Diamond, what are you doing here,” my mom asked when she saw me standing in the kitchen pouring myself a glass of water.
    “I came last night. I didn’t want to wake you up,” I responded casually.
    “What happened to your head?”
    “Oh, it’s nothing,” I answered vaguely. My mother’s facial expression was screaming concern so I was trying my best to play it cool.
    “Let me see,” she said, smoothing back my hair to lift up the bandage. “Did you go to the doctor? That cut looks painful.”
    “I’m fine,” I insisted, moving away.
    “Did you get in a fight?”
    “No, I was in a car accident.” That was the first lie that popped in my head so I ran with it.
    “Did somebody hit you? I hope you called the police and filed a report.”
    “It was my fault. I was texting and hit something.”
    “How many times have I told you about driving and texting at the same time. You lucky all you got was a bump on your head,” my mother pointed her finger scolding me.
    “You’re right, it was a dumb mistake. It’ll never happen again.”
    “I hope not. If anything happened to you I don’t know what I’d do.”
    “Nothing is going to happen to me. But I do need a favor.”
    “What kind of favor?” she asked with a quizzical look on her face.
    “Can Destiny and I stay with you for awhile?”
    “Of course! That ain’t no favor. You know you always welcomed here. But what’s wrong with your place.”
    “I’ve decided to move.”
    “Really? But you always tell me how much you love your apartment.”
    “I do…I meant I did but there has been several break-ins lately and I’m afraid for our safety. I want to move into a more secure building.”
    “I can’t blame you for that. Times are tough right now and the last thing you need is somebody breaking into your apartment and God forbid hurt you and Destiny. You stay here for as long as you like.”
    “Thanks, Mom, I really appreciate that.”
    “No need to thank me. So where is Destiny, she still sleeping?”
    “No she’s actually with Rico. He’s bringing her back today.” Right when I said his name I saw my phone vibrating and his name on the screen. “That’s him now, let me get this.”
    “Take your call, I need to go get dressed anyway,” my mom said, kissing me on my forehead before leaving the kitchen.
    “Hello,” I answered not in the mood to speak to Rico.
    “I’m about to drop off Destiny…you home?”
    “You can bring her to my mother’s house.”
    “What? You at your mom’s crib?”
    “Yes, that’s why I want you to bring Destiny here,” I sighed, while scribbling on a notepad on the kitchen counter.
    “So what you stayed at your mom’s house last night?”
    “What’s with all the questions?”
    “I’m just asking.”
    “Well stop it. I’ll be here when you drop Destiny off,” I smacked then hung up the phone. I leaned on the kitchen counter wondering what was up with Rico’s questions. Then I thought about me getting robbed last night and how convenient it was that Destiny wasn’t home because she was with her father. No, that motherfucker wouldn’t have me set up or would he? He doesn’t even know I’m supplying drugs to the streets or does he? Man the questions were spinning around so fast in my head I was getting dizzy.
    I went to sit down because the anger was building up and I had to calm myself down. It was no secret that Rico couldn’t stand the fact that I dropped his whorish ass and moved on to become my own woman but could he hate me that much. I mean I was the mother of his child. Would he actually green light a nigga running up in my crib, stealing from me and smacking me upside the head with a gun? As much as Rico worked my nerves I didn’t want to believe that but something in

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