Bastial Energy
you made me do to save him?”
    Steffen yelped softly. “You’re strong! Reela helped me see that he was more of an, um, abomination than a successful experiment.” He whimpered softly. “I’d like my hand back?”
    “So that other rat in your room?” Cleve released the chemist’s hand.
    “Leonard. Test subject number two. I’m using a modified formula that should produce the results I want—size and strength without incessant aggression.” Steffen gave Cleve a lingering look, as if he might be talking about more than just the rat.
    “Hope so,” Cleve said, deciding to ignore the insinuation and get back to work. If he wants me to be nicer, that better have been the last time he makes me risk my life for a rat.
    “Want to know what the formula is?” Steffen asked, nearly bursting with excitement.
    Cleve didn’t respond, hoping that would be a clear enough sign of his answer.
    “There are three ingredients, but one is quite interesting—hair. Human hair! My own Human hair!”
    “As opposed to your non-Human hair?” Cleve muttered, hoping it might stop the conversation even for just a moment so he could focus on his floorboards.
    Steffen didn’t seem to hear. “I’ve never known a potion that required Human hair. This creates so many fascinating variables to work with because hair itself is different depending on whose body it grows and even where on that body it grows. I tried a hair from my head first, but guess where the hair is coming from in this new version?”
    “That’s disgusting,” Cleve replied honestly.
    “No, not there ,” Steffen guffawed, “I’m talking about my arm.” He displayed his forearm for Cleve.
    Cleve politely looked while letting his disinterest show. There was a patch of hair missing.
    Steffen was smiling. “It started to fall out after I poured my fire potion on it.”

    Chapter 8: Rules
    Throughout the day, Cleve’s thoughts danced around Reela. Effie was eye-catching, but there was something about Reela that was different from other women who drew his gaze. It felt as if she knew things about him that he didn’t know himself and his heart ached to know what they were.
    She’s dangerous. I can’t tell if any emotions I have for her are genuine. It’s good to keep my distance.
    After his roommates left to explore the campus, he had an urge to look through their rooms. He knew he shouldn’t, but he also knew it was a good way to find out more about the people he might be stuck with for a year.
    When his project was completed and the bow tucked away, the urge became more difficult to resist. He began unpacking the rest of his clothes and weapons. Finishing that rather quickly, he brought his mug, bowl, and other kitchenware into the shared eating space in the front of the house. He was officially done unpacking. He couldn’t fathom how it took others so long. All that was left was his workout routine and weapons training, but he decided to take a rare day off.
    Dust and sweat had caked together on his forehead, so he wiped it with his shirt. He shuffled toward Steffen’s room, stopping in the doorway. There were dozens of plants fighting for space and more potions and books than Cleve had ever seen in one place, all organized neatly. Cleve liked to keep his room tidy as well but never had to deal with sorting more than his clothes and a few weapons.
    He couldn’t have possibly read half of those books . Cleve walked into the room to investigate Steffen’s reading material. Most of these aren’t even recipe books for potions. History, math…and books about languages I’ve never heard of. Could he really like this stuff? Cleve tried, and failed, to find a book he recognized. Soon he found himself just looking for a storybook, anything fictional, yet again he couldn’t find one. What kind of person has this many books but doesn’t read any fiction?
    He sneaked into Effie’s room next. Her black staff rested on her bed beside a pile of

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