Bastian: A Secret Baby Romance

Bastian: A Secret Baby Romance by Lauren Landish Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Bastian: A Secret Baby Romance by Lauren Landish Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Landish
campaign funds for a long time. Also Cassie, I thought it would be a good chance for you to meet him. He's always looking for enthusiastic young people who want to get their feet wet in the political arena. You might consider volunteering for his campaign."
    "Wow . . . uh thanks, Donald," I said, looking over at Sebastian, who was chewing his dinner silently. "I'd enjoy the chance to see if his issues and mine line up."
    Donald laughed, my mom following along. "Honey, one of the things I've learned is that with most politicians, it's not a matter of their own personal views, but the views of the power brokers in their party. Now my friend Jim, he's a great guy, and I do think he's got a good chance at winning. But the thing is, as a first-term member of the State House, Jim's not going to be able to do anything without the blessings of Senator Giffords from upstate, or Senator Rollins from the Central Valley. Those two old men control the party, and through that, the State House. Think of working for Jim as an investment. "
    "I see. Well, either way, I'd like to talk with him."
    "That's fine. Amanda honey, would you pass me the pork roast? I love the glaze tonight. Is that your own recipe?"
    With party preparations, the entire house was thrown into a semi-controlled chaos, and Sebastian and I didn't even have a chance to talk that night. Instead, I ended up doing my homework in the study, an ornate room filled with rich leather and books that were almost as good as my room for studying, except that I tended to fall asleep in the deep club chairs too often. By the time I got back up to my room, Sebastian was asleep, snoring softly in his pajamas. I stripped down and kissed him softly on the temple, setting my alarm to make sure I got up in time, before snuggling in next to him, sighing in pleasure as his arm lifted to wrap around my stomach.
    That Saturday morning, the hired event people descended upon the mansion en masse, bringing with them a fleet of caterers, waiters, decorators and such. In charge of it all was a wiry woman with a whippet face that I learned was named Tammy. She had been doing these sorts of events since the Clinton days, Bill, not Hillary, and ran the whole thing with a dictatorial control that bordered on scary. After getting the evil eye from her about three times for touching things that she apparently didn't want to be touched, I retreated back to my room, changing into my workout clothes and getting a quick thirty minutes in on the rowing machine while the staff set things up.
    Afterward, I finished up a bit of homework for my classes for the next week before changing into my party dress. While the announcement itself was timed to make the live six o'clock news, the main bulk of the event would happen after, hobnobbing and partying in order to get donors to open up their wallets for Jim Mason, candidate for the State House.
    Smoothing my hands over my black cocktail dress, I liked what I saw in the mirror. Whether it was to please Sebastian or the hormones from being pregnant or what, my body was in perhaps the best shape of its life, while still having the soft curves of my breasts and hips that I knew Sebastian enjoyed. With my long black hair styled behind it, I was a knockout, and couldn't wait to show off.
    Making my way downstairs, I saw mom waiting for me in the living room. She smiled as soon as she saw me, wrapping her arms around me to give me a big hug.
    "Honey, you look beautiful," she said, kissing me on the cheek. "You're going to make quite the impression on the men in attendance tonight."
    "I hope so," I said with a smile, thinking that I only wanted to impress one particular man. "Are Sebastian and Donald already downstairs? I kind of got caught up in my homework, and didn't realize how late it had gotten."
    "I know Donald is, but I don't know about Sebastian," she replied. "I know Jim wanted Donald there to be in the group behind him in his announcements, though. They're just

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