Be Mine Forever (A St. Helena Vineyard Novel)

Be Mine Forever (A St. Helena Vineyard Novel) by Marina Adair Read Free Book Online

Book: Be Mine Forever (A St. Helena Vineyard Novel) by Marina Adair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marina Adair
un-sexiest tumblers in wine country, smiling because they were what his grandpa had used when he’d come here to drink with his cronies. It wasn’t about the packaging, it was about the experience.
    Opening it, he placed the cork beneath Sara’s nose, the side of his finger lightly brushing her lips and igniting one hell of a spark. “Close your eyes and tell me what you smell.”
    With an amused smile, her lashes fluttered closed and she inhaled, her chest slowly rising and then holding. After a long moment, her warm breath washed over his skin and she opened her eyes.
    “It smells charming.” He watched as her cheeks slightly flushed and her smile became coy as she looked him dead in the eye. “Will it taste the same?”
    Something inside of Trey shifted. Unable to stop himself, he leaned in until their mouths were a breath apart and whispered, “You tell me.”
    Then he kissed her. And charming was the last thing he felt. Not while her mouth gently worked his as though she’d also been fantasizing about this all week.
    He teased the seam of her lips and she gave a breathy little moan that shot straight to his core. The taste of her sent blood pumping through his body at an accelerated pace. She teased back, creating enough of a spark to get his chest vibrating, his ears ringing.
    “Trey,” she breathed, his name whispered against his mouth. “It’s my phone.”
    “First rule, no contact with the outside world.” He nipped her lower lip, moaning a little when she nipped back. “We haven’t finished the tasting.”
    “I know, and I’m sorry, but I have to go.” She pulled back just enough so that he could see her eyes were wide and dazed with heat, and a little humor. Her hands were cupping his face and she was leaning so far forward across the bar she was plastered to his chest. “My world needs me again.”

    “How’s the car?” Heather Reed asked and Sara froze. Hand on the doorknob, mid-sneak, she turned and offered up an innocent smile.
    Heather was Sara’s dance-assistant-slash-nanny-slash-best friend. Who also happened to be her sister-in-law. And right now she was aiming an accusatory glare in Sara’s direction.
    “Not good,” she admitted, feeling as guilty as a teenager who’d been caught sneaking off with her boyfriend. Not that Trey was her boyfriend, or that she even knew what that kind of guilt felt like, since Sara had never sneaked in her life. Until today. “You were right, more than a damaged bumper.”
    “Yeah, well the log sticking out of the front and the steaming engine kind of tipped me off,” Heather said, pulling her long leg underneath her, freeing up a spot on the couch. A spot that Sara was not going to take. She sucked at secrets. Keeping one from Heather was impossible, which was why she walked into the family room and casually plopped down in the armchair—on the opposite side of the coffee table.
    That’s when she noticed how incredibly clean the house was. The floor had been vacuumed, toys put away, not a single LEGO left out to step on. There was even a bouquet of fresh flowers on the mantle.
    It was Sara who pinned Heather with a look this time. She wasn’t the only one being sneaky. “What’s going on?”
    Heather smiled. Way too big. “Remember the audition I went on last month?”
    “You mean the musical I said you were perfect for and forced you to go on even though you said you were too tall to blend in with the other dancers?”
    “Yeah, the director called today and they passed. I was too tall to blend in with the supporting dancers.”
    “Oh, Heather, I am so sorry.”
    “I’m not. He also said that the lead tore her ACL and he wants to talk to me about filling in while she recovers. The lead!” Heather’s face lit with a joy that Sara hadn’t seen since before Garrett died. “It’s just for a few months, and I don’t even know how many other girls they are considering, but I figure it’s worth a meeting.”

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