Be My Bride

Be My Bride by Regina Scott Read Free Book Online

Book: Be My Bride by Regina Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Regina Scott
Tags: Regency Romance Novellas
Cynthia to see him as a suitor.
    A cheer went up from the bowlers, and Cynthia smiled at their enthusiasm. It took her only a second to realize that Daniel was sharing her smile. He really does like them , she thought, warmed more by his caring than by anything that had happened since Nathan’s death. Daniel seemed to have noticed her regard, for he paled and cleared his throat.
    “Mrs. Jacobs,” he began.
    Cynthia couldn’t stand his nerves. She had obviously been overly stern in her dealings with him, and guilt smote her anew. “Daniel, please, you’ve known me since I was born. We grew up together. I was a dreadful child, always helping your sisters tease you, but I hope you can see I’ve grown beyond all that. You can call me by my first name. In fact, I wish someone would. It would be nice to remember I have a name other than ‘Mother.’”
    Her speech only served to make him more nervous. She was being far too kind when he had expected resistance. It somehow made things more difficult. He adjusted his cravat self-consciously and swallowed again. Perhaps it was best to just get it out in the open. “Very well, Cynthia then. I understand that you may be thinking of remarrying?”
    Cynthia took a deep breath to keep from screaming in vexation. Not him too! All her good intentions disappeared. “That, Daniel, is hardly your concern.”
    Now, that was the Cynthia he expected. And she was entirely right. “Not normally, no,” he agreed with her. She looked so fierce that he was forced to take another fortifying sip of tea. Even she had to notice that his hand shook as he set down the cup. How could he be so craven?
    “Dash it all,” he exclaimed and was rewarded by a look of surprise. “I never could do anything right around you. Cynthia, if you must remarry, would it pain you too terribly to consider me as a candidate?”
    She stared at him. This could not be happening. Daniel Lewiston, proposing? He could not be in love with her, not after having known her as the giddiest girl in the neighborhood. And it had been a very long time since she had thought of seriously considering anyone as a husband but Nathan. She shook her head and looked at him more closely.
    For the first time she didn’t see an overgrown version of the boy she had known; she saw a man. She could feel her own tea cup start to tremble and set it hastily down. Then she noticed that he looked no more delighted with the matter. Sweat was beading on his brow, causing his dark hair to curl on his forehead. His gray eyes were stormy with emotion, but she’d have termed it fear rather than love. “You don’t really want to marry me, do you, Daniel?” she asked softly.
    He inhaled slowly, focusing on her face. For a moment when a light shone in her eyes he had been surprised to find that he very much wanted to marry her. But the moment had passed, and he reminded himself that he was doing this for the boys.
    “I didn’t think I particularly wanted to marry anyone, at least not right now,” he replied truthfully. “But I’ve never been happier than the last two months since your boys arrived. I’d hate to lose them to someone who didn’t even care about them. Not that you’d marry that sort, but sometimes widows don’t have the luxury of choosing. I just wanted you to know that if you must marry, I’d be proud to be the boys’ father.”
    Tears welled behind Cynthia’s eyes, and she looked hastily away from him. “Thank you, Daniel. I don’t think you can know what that means to me. It’s very kind of you.”
    “Kind, but not wanted,” he murmured. She couldn’t meet his gaze. “Cynthia, are you already in love with someone?”
    She shook her head, blinking the tears away. “No, no, of course not. I don’t want to get married any more than you do.” She glanced up in time to see him start.
    “Then why . . .” he began, but his brow cleared suddenly. “John was right. Jonathan can’t keep you.”
    Embarrassed, Cynthia held

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