than that, to be the kind of mate Alex deserved. Hell, she needed to be the kind of person she deserved.
Alex simply watched her, saying nothing. One eyebrow lifted a little.
“I'm fine,” she insisted.
Alex sighed. “You do remember that I'm a police detective, right? That I'm actually pretty good at knowing when people aren't being truthful. Like now. When I'm standing here and my own mate is pretending everything is okay when we both know it isn't. Let me help, Tara. What's wrong?”
Now it was her turn to sigh. When he put it like that... Yeah, she couldn't lie to him. Dammit.
“I didn't sleep well last night,” she said. She paused, unsure where to begin.
“Because...?” he prompted, his blue eyes watched her with concern. His thumb continued to stroke her cheek.
“Barry,” she sighed, looking down. All movement on her cheek stopped. Risking a peek, she noticed that the frown was back.
“What about him?” his tone was calm, even. Unnaturally so. Her big bear was pissed but keeping it under control. Impressive.
“I think...” she paused. “I can't be sure but I think he was outside the house last night. Something was out there and it sounded like a fox. Then a neighbour's dog chased it away. Maybe I'm overreacting.” She felt warmth flood her cheeks. It all sounded so flimsy.
“Maybe you're not,” Alex pointed out. “It's certainly possible, so I wouldn't discount it. Is your house secure?”
She nodded. “Plus, Sara is here. He won't do anything with her around. I know I'm safe, I just...” She shrugged. It was difficult to explain why Barry left her so unsettled, so nervous.
His hand dropped from her face and then she found herself enveloped in a bear hug. She pressed her face into his warm chest, his shirt feeling soft against her skin. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged back. His hands stroked down her hair and back, soothing her as nothing else had lately. Here, now, she felt safe.
“Has he been bothering you?” Alex asked, his voice rumbling from his chest. “Other than last night.”
“He was at the cafe today,” she answered. She stopped and sighed. “It’s not as though he did anything, and he didn't even speak to me. He's done nothing wrong, not that I can prove.” Barry had always been sneaky. Always known what he could or couldn’t get away with.
She felt Alex shrug. “He's bothering you, that's enough for me. We both know turning up to the cafe was to intimidate you.” He put a little space between them and tipped up her face to make eye contact. “I won't let him hurt you, sweetheart. I promise.”
She felt herself smile. It was weak, half-hearted even, but it was a smile.
“Besides,” Alex added. “There's always Plan B. We send my mother to deal with him.”
She snorted and he grinned at her. Tugging on her hand, he gently pulled her into the living room and set her on the couch.
“Have you eaten?” he asked. He held up a hand when she would have answered, adding, “Cheesecake doesn't count.” Sneaky bear.
She shrugged. When had she eaten last? She’d spent most of the day exhausted and slightly queasy.
“I'll take that as a no,” he said drily, heading towards the kitchen. “Stay there,” he added as she went to stand up.
Shrugging, she sank back into the cushions, listening to the sounds of her mate making something in the kitchen. Protective, hot, and domestic. She had totally won the mate lottery.
Before long, Alex brought her a plate of macaroni cheese and then returned with one for himself. “I see someone went shopping,” he commented. “For a moment there, I thought I was going to have to make cheesy cereal.”
“Actually, I finished off the cereal this morning, so it would have been cheesy beans,” she said with a shrug. “Sara picked some stuff up while I was at work.”
After they'd eaten, Alex left her on the couch with the TV on and went back to the kitchen. She could hear him washing dishes. Wow. A mate who
Calle J. Brookes, BG Lashbrooks