Believing Lies

Believing Lies by Rachel Everleigh Read Free Book Online

Book: Believing Lies by Rachel Everleigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Everleigh
piece of shit asshole!”
    I ran to the kitchen, grabbed my purse, and sprinted for the door. I could hear him yelling for me to stop, telling me to stay, and even claiming that he loved me.
    “Fuck that and fuck you!” I slammed the door behind me so hard that I could hear the mirror that hung near it crash and break on the other side. I got in the elevator and hit the garage level button repeatedly, praying the door would close faster. When the elevator doors were almost closed, he appeared. For a second, I could see him through the small slit. He had taken the time to put on a pair of shorts.
    I realized I didn’t have on any shoes as soon as my feet hit the cool cement of the parking garage. Whatever . That was the least of my problems right now. I quickly ran to my car. As soon as I pulled out onto the road, tears began streaming down my face.
    I found a parking spot along the street in front of Sophie’s apartment. I hoped that no one would notice my lack of shoes. Who was I kidding? If anyone noticed me it would be because my face was stained with tear soaked mascara, causing me to resemble a blond version of Alice Cooper. I used my key and entered the lobby. I kept my composure somewhat intact until I got into the elevator, but as soon as the doors closed, I lost it all over again. I didn’t know that a person could cry so much. I was taken aback by how much emotion could pour from one’s eyes.
    As I walked to Sophie’s door, it dawned on me that I hadn’t called her on my way over. I’d shut off my phone, so that I wouldn’t have to keep hearing Trenton trying to call me. I prayed she was alone. The last thing I needed right now was a replay of this morning, so instead of using my key, I knocked. Nothing. I waited and knocked again. Maybe she was “busy” or wasn’t home. I decided to chance it and used my key.
    Sophie was on her living room floor, painting her toenails. She was humming along to whatever song was playing through her ear buds. She must have sensed my presence as I walked toward her because she looked up at the exact right moment. If her reaction was any indication of my appearance, I truly was a hot mess. She quickly put the cap on her polish, pulled out her ear buds, and wobbled to me on the heels of her feet. I started to hyperventilate when she pulled me into an embrace.
    “It’s okay. Let it out,” she soothingly whispered. I could feel the worry and love pouring from her as she held me and gently rubbed my hair. She leaned back to look at my face and then took her hands and wiped the tears from my cheeks. “What happened?”
    “Trenton.” I choked back another sob. “Cheated.”
    Her forehead crinkled. “Are you sure?”
    I nodded. “I saw it.” As the words left my mouth, the images came flooding back. Needing to sit down, I went to the overstuffed chair and collapsed onto it.
    “Honey, I’m so sorry. You want me to kick his ass? I will. I’ll shove a stiletto so far up his ass that he’ll walk funny the rest of his life.”
    I managed a tiny laugh. “Only you could make me laugh at a time like this.”
    “I’m being serious,” she deadpanned. “I wasn’t trying to make you laugh.”
    “You did anyway, so thanks.”
    “Want to talk about it?” she tentatively asked.
    Did I want to talk about it? No . Right now I just wanted to hide. “I’m not ready to relive it quite yet. You don’t mind if I stay here, do you? I can go to my parents otherwise.”
    “There is no way I’d let you stay anywhere but right here with me. The guest room is your room for as long as you want it.”
    “I don’t know what I did in another life to deserve you.” I stood up and hugged her again. “I just need to be alone for a bit. Maybe I can fall asleep and forget for a while.
    She nodded. I hated the look of pity I saw in her eyes.
    I went to what was now my bedroom, crawled under the covers of the bed, and cried myself to sleep.
    I awoke with a pain shooting through my

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