Ben the Dragonborn

Ben the Dragonborn by Dianne E Astle Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Ben the Dragonborn by Dianne E Astle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dianne E Astle
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Epic
and the dragonborn have an inborn ability to transform.  Not every mer on our world can transform into human form.  Not every human on Zargon can assume a dragon form.  On Lushaka there is a great distrust of those who can transform and so we find it better to hide our ability from other mer and Lushakan humans.”
    Ben thought of the picture in Miss Templeton’s office. The picture of a dragon looking into a mirror with the image of a beautiful woman reflected back.  It seemed quite unbelievable that such a being could exist. But here he was having a conversation with two mer females and a mer man on a world that was not his own. Who knew what was possible on another of the six worlds? Unless, of course, he had fallen asleep and was dreaming, and none of this was real.       
    The Watcher continued, “People from earth normally are given three gifts besides the gift of understanding other tongues.  I do not understand why you would only have two.  It is a mystery to ponder.  But now it is time to speak of the purpose for your being sent here.  Not far from here there is a problem.  Mer and humans are coming close to war.  It all began when one of the giant birds, which we call Tregs, took the crown from the head of the King of the Silverfish clan. The Mer King has decreed that the humans cannot fish or gather food from the sea until the crown is returned. The King feels humans should get it back because he allows them to harvest food from the sea. He will not listen to reason. The humans have tried.  Some of our mer elders have tried. The humans have sent their strongest and best to retrieve the crown.   So far, none have returned.  The humans grow desperate.  Almost all their food comes from the sea. If the situation continues they will have no choice but to go to war.”
    “I don’t understand what I’m expected to do!” Ben said with conviction. “If people who know this world and its dangers can’t get the crown back, what am I supposed to do - even with these two gifts?”
    “I don’t know, but it will be revealed to you when the time is right. The Guardian chose you because you have the best possible chance of success with the gifts you have been given.” 
    “Does the Guardian ever make mistakes?”  Ben asked. 
    “The Guardian does not make a mistake in who is chosen.”  When Lea Waterborn said this, Charla snorted, which let everyone know that she thought a mistake had been made this time.    
    “As I said,” Lea Waterborn continued, “the Guardian does not make a mistake in who is chosen, but those who are chosen go into ever changing situations and there are no guarantees of success.” 
    “Why don't you send someone from here? I saw lots of…”
    “Yeah! Why not? Charla interrupted. “We don’t need this jelly fish. We can get that crown back on our own.”    
    Lea Waterborn ignored Charla.  “The Guardian prefers that we not interfere with the affairs of our own world. There are dangers in doing so.  Power is so easily misused. It is easy to convince yourself that what benefits you and yours is good for all the peoples of your world.  The Guardian gives gifts that we are to use to help other worlds, who will in turn help us.  Lushakans have risked their lives many times on earth. They do it with gratitude for the help that has come to us in our time of trouble from the other five worlds. Most Chosen would know of these things, but you do not because it came as a surprise to Mariah Templeton that you should be chosen without time to prepare.”  
    “As to whether you decide to help or not,” Lea Waterborn continued, “the choice is yours to make.  The Guardian never forces us to do what we do not want to do.  If you choose not to go, the Guardian of the Six Worlds will find someone else to send. It will take time, and the person sent will have less chance of success than you do. Your refusal may mean the death of Lushakans as we wait for another

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