Best Bondage Erotica 2012

Best Bondage Erotica 2012 by Rachel Kramer Bussel Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Best Bondage Erotica 2012 by Rachel Kramer Bussel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Kramer Bussel
letting him come until I was good and ready. And you know the best thing about it? He couldn’t utter a damn word of complaint. Sure, he was making some noises and mumbling into the gag, but as I
couldn’t understand a single word of it, I pleased myself.
    Soon, though, I knew I had to finish it. My legs were growing wobbly with exertion and my clit was so rigid it almost hurt. I needed—and wanted—to come again.
    Looking Ethan straight in the eye, I said, “Ready, baby?”
    He nodded, but without waiting for an answer, I’d already started bobbing up and down on him again. Gritting my teeth, I rode Ethan’s cock rough and fast, my hands gripping the back of the chair so hard that my knuckles went white. I felt the slow burn of my orgasm start to build again. I leaned forward slightly, mashing my clit against Ethan’s pubic bone with each movement.
    Soon the burn turned into a full flame and my pussy flexed and squeezed Ethan’s cock as my orgasm crashed throughout my body. Ethan was unable to hold out any longer, and a series of strangled noises came from his mouth as he hit his own peak, his shaft leaping inside of me as he spurted his release into the condom.
    I slumped onto him, completely exhausted. We were still and silent for a while until Ethan wriggled, my dead weight obviously making him uncomfortable. I sighed, saddened to end the fantasy of a silent Ethan.
    Slowly I got up. Retrieving the key for the cuffs, I released Ethan and left him to sort out the gag himself. By the time he’d untied it and disposed of the condom, I was already in bed, feigning sleep. A brighter guy would have known I was faking it, but not Ethan. Sated and therefore happy, he snuggled into bed beside me and soon we were both asleep for real.
    The following morning I woke up before him, as usual. Slipping out of bed quietly, I dressed, then grabbed all my stuff. Pulling an envelope out of my bag, I gazed at the perfection that was a silent, sleeping Ethan for a minute or two, then put it on
the pillow I’d vacated. I knew it was wrong to dump someone by letter, but ending a relationship is never easy, however you do it.
    I’d decided to split up with my trophy boyfriend the best way I knew: in silence. Without our exchanging a word, the end of the relationship would not be sullied by words. Our last shared memory would be the most amazing fuck of our lives (so far), rather than bitter words and meaningless explanations.
    And it doesn’t get much better than that, does it?

    Salome Wilde
    â€œYou really ought to go,” said Hannah, pointing the corner of her overbuttered toast in Nick’s direction. “She’s been asking you for weeks.”
    Nick frowned, then took a sip of the coffee that was too hot to drink and felt the burn as a reproach. “I guess,” he answered, wondering if his tongue would hurt all day and ruin lunch. Her “sensitive boy,” Paolina called him, but he was no masochist. Not really, anyway. The image of Paolina’s broad smile and full lips flashed before Nick’s sleepy eyes and he smiled in return.
    Last weekend had been incredible. There was nothing Paolina wouldn’t do for and to him, and nothing he did not give in return. From the care she took in tying him—not too tightly—to her four-poster bed to her skill with a strap-on, he knew, after only three months of dating, he’d never find another lover like her. He basked in her possessive attention, cooked her sumptuous meals and served them in her tidy little apartment, felt enjoyed but not fetishized for his mixed-race background, slept contentedly
with her when she invited him to spend the night, and wondered if perhaps this might get serious. But the club thing, that was different. If he was sensitive, he was also private. Paolina seemed to accept his preference, so why couldn’t Hannah?

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