hears of this, and believe me they will hear of it, people will be calling for your head. Still, maybe it's not such a bad thing that two are being analyzed independently. But why did you do it?"
Derek finished his beaker and tossed it to the robot for a refill. "First of all, because I knew the McNaughtons would try to claim ownership of it, which seems absurd even if it's legal."
"I'll grant you that. And second?"
"Sieglinde's working on the Drive. Whatever these aliens are or were, they had some kind of interstellar drive to reach Rhea. If there's a chance the thing could help her to break the puzzle, I wanted her to have it."
Ulric seemed almost to smile, but it was hard to tell beneath the overhanging mustache. "So that's it. Still anxious to make the big move, are you?"
"What do you think?" He took a drink from his second beaker. At least it was good champagne. "What's left for us here in this solar system? The resources may be virtually inexhaustible, but the Earthies' patience certainly isn't. It's only a matter of time before there's another war. Anyway, I want to go and see what's out there."
"Only you don't want to spend your entire life covering the first tenth of the journey, is that it?"
"Naturally. Subluminal travel is a dead end at interstellar distances. I want to actually see what other star systems are like. Why else have I been training for planetary activity all my life? I certainly don't plan to go to Earth!" Another thought occurred to him. "When it gets out what I did, the McNaughtons will be after my blood. " His former employer seemed far more dangerous than the rather nebulous Althing , as the Confederate congress was termed.
"Let us worry about the McNaughtons," Ulric said. The families had at various times been friends or fierce rivals. They were connected by marriage ties, but the McNaughtons were not members of the clan. "Still, you're out of a job and you need something to keep you occupied and out of trouble. How would you like to work in security?"
This was unexpected. There had to be a catch somewhere. A man like Ulric just didn't turn off the hostility so easily. "What kind of work?" he asked, cautiously.
"Bait. The Earthies must have agents heading here by now, if they aren't here already. Most will try to break into Aeaea's infonet, but somebody will decide you're worth interrogating. That might be convenient."
At least Ulric hadn't gone soft. "It's good to know the family still finds me valuable. This sounds like dangerous work. What's the pay?"
"Pay?" Ulric looked mortally stricken. "Where's your family loyalty?"
"Where it always is. On the other hand, it wouldn't do to let people think I work cheap."
"Who would know?" Ulric said. "Besides, they'd be after you anyway, even if you weren't working security for me."
"I was thinking of going to a body shop for a new face. I already have several alternate identities worked up. They'd never find me." He watched with satisfaction as Ulric's face went through several color changes. Then he wondered whether he had pushed his luck too far.
"All right," Ulric said when his breathing returned to normal. "Third-level pay with full seniority rights."
"And you'll pick up the payments on Cyrano ?" Derek asked.
Ulric stared at him in utter astonishment. "Your insolence surpasses belief. You talk like a Ciano."
"Hell, I'm related to them by about fifteen bloodlines, just like you."
"Out!" Ulric pointed toward the door with a rage-trembling finger. "Get out of here, and don't come back unless you have something worthwhile to report!"
"But what am I supposed to do?" He backed hastily toward the portal.
"Circulate. Go out carousing with your worthless friends. Be prominent and make a target of yourself. What do I care so long as you show results? Rig yourself with recording gear so if you get killed we know who did it."
Derek backed out and the door slid shut, almost catching his nose. He found François still waiting outside with his