ineffectual. No way can a half-breed defeat a full-blood.”
    Theron shrugged. “You are wrong; there was nothing wrong with my full-bloods. I saw the aftermath of the attack. I’ve also seen these two,” he tipped his chin toward Tyrone and Tyrese, “in action. They have Alpha speed and fighting skills. They took on both half-breeds and full-bloods. Won every time. I agree with the twins, you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
    “That just proves my point,” Chase said, looking to the other Alphas for support. “They are dangerous to the pack and should be destroyed.”
    “They are wolves,” another Alpha shouted. “We never destroy wolves. Not for a reason like this. Not for something beyond their control.”
    “They are not wolves. They are half-breeds,” Montgomery countered.
    Tyrone and Tyrese stood immobile, like statutes. Silas wondered what they were thinking, but it was time to bring the discussion to a close.
    “I am a half-bred wolf,” Tyrone said, his voice ominously low. “But you and any who come after my pack, my family, will learn what a half-breed can do. I will not say this again. Anyone who comes after my mother or siblings will not survive.”
    Chase scoffed. “Is that a threat, mutt?”
    Tyrone smiled. It was bright, and if you didn’t know him, you’d think it was pleasant. Silas knew things had gone from bad to worse, with Chase not backing up after Theron’s advice. But at this level, he had to allow things to play out.
    “Threat? Nah…we don’t threaten people. That’s not cool.” His face sobered. “That was a promise. We do make promises.” He turned, looked at Tyrese, and they walked toward the door.
    “One moment,” Silas said, hoping they wouldn’t do something stupid, like not stopping.
    They stopped and looked at him.
    “I will be by later to talk with you two and Jasmine.” He hardened his tone to leave no room for refusal. “I expect you all to be there.” He stared at them until Tyrone nodded. Tyrese opened the door and left first. Withholding a sigh at that future confrontation, Silas turned to his Alphas. It seemed they all realized something else was going on. Even Chase and Montgomery registered concern.
    “So we should allow rebel wolves to kill human females and half-breed wolves? Is that what you think Chase? Montgomery?” Silas called out the two Alphas so they could see they stood alone on that side of the issue. Chase, a tall blond wolf with Viking heritage, stiffened and swiped his tongue across his lips.
    “La Patron… I merely suggested we allow the rebels to fix this problem. My wolves are seeking information on human females, and I am ashamed to admit there have been a few in my territory over the years.” He paused and looked at Silas. “Earlier today I discovered three human females have lived in the mountains, and for years bred wolves.” He ran his hand through his blond locks. “I have no idea how this happened beneath my nose, and I am sorry. My wolves attempted to locate the women and were unsuccessful.”
    “Unsuccessful? Your full-bloods couldn’t apprehend three human females?” Silas asked, hoping the Alpha would realize what they were up against. It didn’t matter that the women were human, there would always be full-blooded wolves who would answer the siren call to mate and have pups. That was the challenge to be addressed.
    “They are being hidden by wolves.”
    “Full-bloods or half-breeds?” Silas asked.
    “Full-bloods,” Chase gritted.
    “Do we kill the full-bloods who protect these women? Who protect their pups? Their half-breed pups?” Silas’ voice rose at the end. “How far do you want to go with this…this witch hunt, Montgomery?” He turned his attention to the Vermont Alpha. “Full-blooded wolves are protecting the women who birthed their pups. What will a wolf do if you attack his pup? His litter?”
    Montgomery cleared his throat. He wasn’t as tall as most of the Alphas, but he was

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