Bittersweet Endeavors

Bittersweet Endeavors by Tamara Ternie Read Free Book Online

Book: Bittersweet Endeavors by Tamara Ternie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamara Ternie
around him . Myra looked down at his arm that held her sweet captive.  His touch coursed heat throughout her body , and al though soaked and frighteningly cold from the weather, his touch warmed he r insomuch that she thought she’d break a sweat.  She wondered what ma nn er of power he beheld to cause such a reaction from within her .
    “ What would you know of finery?” He laughed, and it sufficiently baited her out from her reverie.
    Why did he anger her now when she nearly believed him sincere ? Oh, how she longed to announce her true identity .  Mayhap, then, she c ould remove th e arrogant smirk from his face.
    “I know many things, Mister Preston.  Despite what you may hap think, I a m not ignora nt.”  She pulled from his grasp.
    He didn’t let her go .
    Seth stood quiet for a moment and gazed into her eyes .  A smile tugged at the edges of lips.  Myra willed her self n ot to turn away , and she pierced him with a hard stare.  His lips curved into a full smile and it softened Myra ’s hardened state.  Her heart thumped in wild secessions within her chest. 
    “ Nay , you're not ignorant,” he finally conceded, thoughtfully.  “I’ ll eve n wager you've had some teachings .”  A light brow arched in question.  “ Perhaps an other employer provided such?” The wind blew a gust of cold wind and Seth swept his light blond locks from his forehead.  A roguish grin appeared. “ Perhaps a m adam in your last employ?” he asked.
    Perhaps it was from her proper upbringing , or possibly just incited by his smugness, but she did the unthinkable of someone in her position—she slapped him.
    He registered disbelief by the action.  His hand brushed across his reddened cheek that the cold overemphasized against his light skin .  Yet his stunned expression didn’t match her look of surprise when the smile slipped back in to the curves of his mouth.
    “Well, tis safe to say you’ve kept your virtue intact and only remained a mere thief who—”
    “ How dar e you ! ”  She raised her hands into the air and brought them down onto his chest and shoved him away.  Although, i t’d had been easier in moving a mountain.   “Who do you think you are?  To in sinuate that I am … That I would— ” She snarled instead of following with words.  “You’re a farmer !  A plain, simple, lowly farmer!”   Her finger dug hard into his chest with each word spoken .  “You’ll one day regret the way you speak to me, Mister Preston .  O ne day, it’ll be I who’ll see to it that you do my bidding and not the other way around!”
    Seth laughed at that.  A mistake he learned too late.  She lifted her leg b ehind her and snapped it down on the same shin she had kicked while at auction on that first day they met .
    “Why do you do that?” Seth's face flushed with anger.   “ Couldn't you have at least struck the other leg?  The last bruise you inflicted has just recently faded!”  He loomed above her and glared down.  “A lesser man w ould have you whipped for this.”
    “Whipped,” she shout ed.  “You insinuate I am a —you question my virtue, and I am the one to be beaten?  I think not, ” Myra raged.  “ The K ing is my cousin and he’ll have you hanged for the offenses you’ve taken ag ainst me.  Believe this true, I would find great pleasure in securing the knot about your neck.”
    Seth blinked and his mouth opened, but no words formed.   His eyes narrowed and he looked over her again.  “What did you say?”
    “I said I’d find pleasure in securing the knot about your neck!”
    “ A bout the king being your cousin,” he countered crossly .
    Gad , did she just admit her cousin was King Charles?  For the love of all saints above, what did she do ?  Panic sei zed her and she closed her eyes .  Myra quickly measured her prior words.   How foolish it was allow ing her anger to overrule common sense !  When no explanation came to mind to withdraw her hasty remarks,

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