Bittersweet Endeavors

Bittersweet Endeavors by Tamara Ternie Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Bittersweet Endeavors by Tamara Ternie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamara Ternie
she whipped her skirts around and made a dash for the house.  Seth came too fast after her and caught her arm with his hand .  He whirled her around and forced her to face him .
    “Do you know what trouble you’ ll cause yourself for stating such falsehoods?” Each word passed b etween gritted teeth .  Then, his face softened .  A look of concern cascaded over him after she flinched by his tugging at her arm .  “For your own good, Myra ,” he pleaded, “I’ll not hear such blather from your lips again. Such claims are an offence against the crown and the penalty is harsh.”
    With a curt nod, she conceded, and thankfully so! Zookes!  W hat trouble she’d have found if he believe d her.   It seemed like a lifetime passed before he released her arm.  Once he did, she removed and returned h is over coat and walked toward the wigwam that housed the kitchen.
    “Go find Margaret, Myra .  S he’ll find you dry clothing .  I don’t wish in seeing you ill due to my carelessness. ” A hint of concern softened his tone, again.
    S he turned around and looked at him and he r eyebrow quirked upward in question.  “ Was that a semblance of an apology?”
    A mock look of surprise lit his face, and Myra couldn ’ t resist the smile that crept across her lips .    Turning around, he walked and join ed the other men who worked on the house, but not before he offered her the most adoring of smiles.  
    No matter how angry she became by his presence, she was always left wit h an array of m ixed emotions.  Despite her desire to dislike him, she continually found her self yearning for their next encounter.
    *                    *                    *
    Atop the hill , Seth watched Myra as she sat by the stream and thr ew pebbles into the water.  Even in the distance, he saw the solemn look up on her face.  A dreamy expression had spread over her a s she looked over the fields , but she aimed her stare at nothing in particular .  An angelic hue haloed around her from the sun's diminish ed gleam.  Seth contemplated joining her , but when he spotted Lucia coming down the hill to meet Myra , he stepped back and out of sight behind a tree.
    Go back home, he admonished himself .  He leaned his back against the willow’s trunk that shielded him from he r sight.  His feet wouldn’t budge .  Curiosity or may hap adoration of her beauty got the better of him.  He turned around and w atch ed her again, as he found himself doing so many times since the day that she had arrived .
    Lucia handed her something and Seth squinted , curious to know what manner of token she brought th at brightened the smile on Myra ’s face.  His chest tightened.  He swallowed hard and closed his eyes .  He envision ed her in his arms , and th e smile that she presently donned being aimed at him .  He leaned back against the tree and enjoyed the pleasantness of the daydream .
    His father approached and called out toward Seth’s direction . “What ar e you doing over there, Seth?”
    Startled by his father’s commanding voice , Seth abandoned his pleasant musings.  H is fath er catching him spy ing on the servant girl , especially Myra , would n’t fare well for him. “I’m taking a rest from walking,” he lied. 
    Seth stole a glance in Myra 's direction and hoped that she and Lucia didn’t notice he ’d been there all along.  With consideration of the distance, he doubted they overheard his father when he called out .  When he peered around the tree, he watched their backs as Myra and Lucia ascended the hill on the other side of the lake. 
    “Get that thought out of your head, S eth ,” his father sternly ordered.
    “What thought?”  Too much in a trance from the sight he beheld, his voice sounded unemotional as he gazed at the movement Myra 's hips made while they swayed from side to side.  A heavy lump form ed in his throat .  He swallowed hard and push ed it back down .
    “ That

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