Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series)

Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series) by A.C. Wilson Read Free Book Online

Book: Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series) by A.C. Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.C. Wilson
hoped that she would. Even if it was something that couldn't be fixed, he wanted to share it with her.
    "Matt, could you grab Harper's jammies from the laundry basket? I folded them, but didn't get them put away." Andy asked from the bathroom. He nodded, locating the white plastic basket with clean, folded laundry. He couldn't help but notice Andy's panties on top.
    White. Cotton. No frills. No lace. Hmm.
    Picking up the yellow footie pajamas, he took them to the bathroom to find Andy almost as wet as Harper. Bathing a baby was serious business apparently! He grinned.
    "Do you need jammies too? It looks like you crawled in there with her!" Matt met her eyes and she smiled.
    "Almost. She is not so crazy about the bath tonight." Andy wrestled with the hooded terrycloth towel. "I just hate putting her to bed smelling like formula and baby vomit." She wrinkled her nose as she shimmied Harper into the pajamas. The struggling ended when Andy finally got the snaps secured and Matt had lifted Harper into his arms.
    He held Harper at eye level. Wide blue eyes stared back at him. All he could see was trust. This little thing trusted him and it tugged at his heart.
    "She is absolutely amazing." His words came out more as a whisper than he had meant. The awe that he felt was so captivating. Harper made an O with her perfect pink lips. He grinned and was lost. Hugging her near, he kissed her downy cheek and passed Harper back to Andy for bedtime. "Good night, baby girl."
    Ten minutes later, Andy came out of the bedroom where she had put Harper down for bed. Matt had made himself comfortable on the couch, although that was a rather farfetched idea. The couch sagged in the middle and could not be termed anywhere near comfortable. He patted the cushion beside him and reached for the remote. She raised a brow, but came to sit beside him anyway.
    "How do you feel about The Closer ? I kind of like the murder mystery cop shows." He grinned, throwing his arm on the back of the couch around her shoulders. Andy smiled and leaned back against the cushions.
    "I have never seen it." She watched for a few moments while he watched her. He couldn't help it! Nothing could be so entertaining as to take his mind away from her. Lush lips. Expressive eyes. A body softly rounded from her pregnancy, but with all the drop dead curves he couldn't wait to get his hands on. Slow down! You will scare her away. He gritted his teeth and turned his eyes to the television.
    "Would you go out with me tomorrow night? Do you think you could find a sitter for Harper?" Matt tried to be nonchalant about asking. Andy shrugged.
    "I could ask Rachel, but it's pretty last minute."
    Matt saw the door closing and stuck his foot in it, so to speak.
    "Let me talk to my brother. He has stayed with my nephew before. I don't see why he couldn't watch Harper for a few hours. It won't be a late night." He watched her bite her lower lip. He wasn't sure what possessed him to volunteer his brother as a babysitter! He would owe Garrett big time!
    "Ok. If your brother will watch Harper, I guess that would be fine. He can always call us if he can't handle her." The color in her cheeks warmed and he saw the nervousness bubbling to the surface. Give me a chance. Don't back out.
    "Of course it will be fine. We won't leave town, I promise." He grinned and winked at her. She smiled and looked back to the television screen. Andy didn't relax totally, but she had pulled her legs up on the couch and stretched them out. The silence between them was sparking with unsaid conversation. His body craved her touch. Tension flickered through his nerves.
    Deciding to see if she would open up to him, Matt angled his body towards the television and into Andy. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye. Good. She was aware of him. He moved his right arm off the back of the couch to shift her closer to him. His stomach clenched when she leaned forward, but didn't lift for or against him. His muscles focused on

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